Drew H Abney
Drew H Abney
Associate Professor of Psychology, University of Georgia
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Complexity Matching in Dyadic Conversation
DH Abney, A Paxton, R Dale, CT Kello
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 2014
Movement dynamics reflect a functional role for weak coupling and role structure in dyadic problem solving
DH Abney, A Paxton, R Dale, CT Kello
Cognitive processing 16, 325-332, 2015
Proximity and touch are associated with neural but not physiological synchrony in naturalistic mother-infant interactions
T Nguyen, DH Abney, D Salamander, BI Bertenthal, S Hoehl
NeuroImage 244, 118599, 2021
Multiple coordination patterns in infant and adult vocalizations
DH Abney, AS Warlaumont, DK Oller, S Wallot, CT Kello
Infancy 22 (4), 514-539, 2017
Influence of musical groove on postural sway.
JM Ross, AS Warlaumont, DH Abney, LM Rigoli, R Balasubramaniam
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 42 (3), 308, 2016
Effects of delay of prospective memory cues in an ongoing task on prospective memory task performance
DM McBride, JK Beckner, DH Abney
Memory & cognition 39, 1222-1231, 2011
Using nonlinear methods to quantify changes in infant limb movements and vocalizations
DH Abney, AS Warlaumont, A Haussman, JM Ross, S Wallot
Frontiers in psychology 5, 771, 2014
Finding structure in time: Visualizing and analyzing behavioral time series
TL Xu, K De Barbaro, DH Abney, RFA Cox
Frontiers in Psychology 11, 1457, 2020
What are the building blocks of parent–infant coordinated attention in free‐flowing interaction?
DH Abney, SH Suanda, LB Smith, C Yu
Infancy 25 (6), 871-887, 2020
The bursts and lulls of multimodal interaction: Temporal distributions of behavior reveal differences between verbal and non‐verbal communication
DH Abney, R Dale, MM Louwerse, CT Kello
Cognitive science 42 (4), 1297-1316, 2018
Gaze in action: Head-mounted eye tracking of children’s dynamic visual attention during naturalistic behavior
LK Slone, DH Abney, JI Borjon, C Chen, JM Franchak, D Pearcy, ...
Journal of visualized experiments: JoVE, 2018
Response dynamics in prospective memory
DH Abney, DM McBride, AM Conte, DW Vinson
Psychonomic Bulletin & Review 22, 1020-1028, 2015
Associations between infant–mother physiological synchrony and 4‐and 6‐month‐old infants’ emotion regulation
DH Abney, EB daSilva, BI Bertenthal
Developmental Psychobiology 63 (6), e22161, 2021
Joint perceptual decision-making: A case study in explanatory pluralism
DH Abney, R Dale, JK Yoshimi, C Kello, K Tylén, RI Fusaroli
Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology 5, 330, 2014
Interactive effects in transfer-appropriate processing for event-based prospective memory: The roles of effort, ongoing task, and PM cue properties
DH Abney, DM McBride, SN Petrella
Memory & Cognition, 1-14, 2013
A comparison of transfer-appropriate processing and multi-process frameworks for prospective memory performance
DM McBride, DH Abney
Experimental psychology, 2012
Cooperation in sound and motion: Complexity matching in collaborative interaction.
DH Abney, A Paxton, R Dale, CT Kello
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 150 (9), 1760, 2021
Conversation, coupling and complexity: Matching scaling laws predict performance in a joint decision task
R Fusaroli, DH Abney, B Bahrami, CT Kello, K Tylén
Poster presented at the 35th annual conference of the cognitive science society, 2013
A method for measuring dynamic respiratory sinus arrhythmia (RSA) in infants and mothers
DH Abney, GF Lewis, BI Bertenthal
Infant Behavior and Development 63, 101569, 2021
The temporal structure of parent talk to toddlers about objects
LK Slone, DH Abney, LB Smith, C Yu
Cognition 230, 105266, 2023
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