Christopher Fifty
Christopher Fifty
Stanford University
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Cited by
Cited by
Simplifying graph convolutional networks
F Wu, A Souza, T Zhang, C Fifty, T Yu, K Weinberger
[ICML] International Conference on Machine Learning, 2019
Efficiently Identifying Task Groupings for Multi-Task Learning
C Fifty, E Amid, Z Zhao, T Yu, R Anil, C Finn
[NeurIPS] Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, Spotlight, 2021
Co-training transformer with videos and images improves action recognition
B Zhang, J Yu, C Fifty, W Han, AM Dai, R Pang, F Sha
arXiv preprint arXiv:2112.07175, 2021
Can small heads help? understanding and improving multi-task generalization
Y Wang, Z Zhao, B Dai, C Fifty, D Lin, L Hong, L Wei, EH Chi
[WWW] Proceedings of The Web Conference 2022, 2022
Measuring and harnessing transference in multi-task learning
C Fifty, E Amid, Z Zhao, T Yu, R Anil, C Finn
arXiv preprint arXiv:2010.15413, 2020
Context-Aware Meta-Learning
C Fifty, D Duan, RG Junkins, E Amid, J Leskovec, C Ré, S Thrun
[ICLR] International Conference on Learning Representations, 2024
Step-size Adaptation Using Exponentiated Gradient Updates
E Amid, R Anil, C Fifty, MK Warmuth
[ICML] Beyond First Order Methods in ML Workshop, Spotlight, 0
In-Context Learning for Few-Shot Molecular Property Prediction
C Fifty, J Leskovec, S Thrun
arXiv preprint arXiv:2310.08863, 2023
N-grammer: Augmenting transformers with latent n-grams
A Roy, R Anil, G Lai, B Lee, J Zhao, S Zhang, S Wang, Y Zhang, S Wu, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2207.06366, 2022
Implicit Geometry and Interaction Embeddings Improve Few-Shot Molecular Property Prediction
C Fifty, JM Paggi, E Amid, J Leskovec, R Dror
[NeurIPS] Machine Learning for Structural Biology Workshop, 2023
Layerwise Bregman representation learning of neural networks with applications to knowledge distillation
E Amid, R Anil, C Fifty, MK Warmuth
[TMLR] Transactions on Machine Learning Research, 2022
Simplifying Graph Convolutional Networks (Supplementary Material)
F Wu, T Zhang, AH de Souza Jr, C Fifty, T Yu, KQ Weinberger
Restructuring Vector Quantization with the Rotation Trick
C Fifty, RG Junkins, D Duan, A Iger, JW Liu, E Amid, S Thrun, C Ré
arXiv preprint arXiv:2410.06424, 2024
140. Broad-spectrum detection of all clostridial neurotoxins in stem cell‒derived neurons and identification of compounds that rescue synaptic activity in synaptic function …
P McNutt, M Adler, M Lyman, A Adkins, C Fifty, P Beske
Toxicon 93, S43-S44, 2015
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Articles 1–14