Csilla Horvath
Csilla Horvath
Assistant Professor of Marketing Radboud University
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Managing brands and customer engagement in online brand communities
J Wirtz, A Den Ambtman, J Bloemer, C Horváth, B Ramaseshan, ...
Journal of service Management 24 (3), 223-244, 2013
“Don't pretend to be my friend!” When an informal brand communication style backfires on social media
A Gretry, C Horváth, N Belei, ACR van Riel
Journal of Business Research 74, 77-89, 2017
Shopping enjoyment to the extreme: Hedonic shopping motivations and compulsive buying in developed and emerging markets
C Horváth, F Adıgüzel
Journal of Business Research 86, 300-310, 2018
The role of brands in the behavior and purchase decisions of compulsive versus noncompulsive buyers
C Horváth, M Birgelen
European Journal of Marketing 49 (1/2), 2-21, 2015
Say what? How the interplay of tweet readability and brand hedonism affects consumer engagement
SW Davis, C Horváth, A Gretry, N Belei
Journal of Business Research 100, 150-164, 2019
A hierarchical Bayes error correction model to explain dynamic effects of price changes
D Fok, C Horváth, R Paap, PH Franses
Journal of Marketing Research 43 (3), 443-461, 2006
The effect of recessions on gambling expenditures
C Horváth, R Paap
Journal of Gambling Studies 28, 703-717, 2012
Interest rate pass-through: the case of Hungary
C Horváth, J Krekó, A Naszódi
National Bank of Hungary Working Paper 8, 2004
Balancing the balance: Self-control mechanisms and compulsive buying
C Horváth, OB Büttner, N Belei, F Adıgüzel
Journal of Economic Psychology 49, 120-132, 2015
Competitive reaction-and feedback effects based on VARX models of pooled store data
C Horvath, PSH Leeflang, JE Wieringa, DR Wittink
International Journal of Research in Marketing 22 (4), 415-426, 2005
A cross-cultural comparison of brand extension success factors: A meta-study
J Henseler, C Horváth, M Sarstedt, L Zimmermann
Journal of Brand Management 18, 5-20, 2010
Cultural aspects of compulsive buying in emerging and developed economies: A cross cultural study in compulsive buying
C Horváth, F Adigüzel, HV Herk
A structural empirical analysis of retail banking competition: the case of Hungary
J Molnar, M Nagy, C Horvath
Available at SSRN 961776, 2006
Moderating factors of immediate, gross, and net cross-brand effects of price promotions
C Horváth, D Fok
Marketing Science 32 (1), 127-152, 2013
Is there a bank lending channel in Hungary? Evidence from bank panel data
C Horváth, J Krekó, A Naszódi
MNB Working Papers, 2006
Interest rate pass-through in Hungary
C Horváth, J Krekó, A Naszódi
MNB Working Papers, 2004
Pooling data for the analysis of dynamic marketing systems
C Horváth, JE Wieringa
Statistica Neerlandica 62 (2), 208-229, 2008
Computing level-impulse responses of log-specified VAR systems
JE Wieringa, C Horváth
International Journal of Forecasting 21 (2), 279-289, 2005
Conceptualizing intuition as a mental faculty: Toward a ‘critique of intuitive reason’and a process model of intuition
ACR van Riel, C Horváth
Handbook of research methods on intuition, 42-56, 2014
Incidental emotions and hedonic forecasting: the role of (un) certainty
A Polyportis, F Kokkinaki, C Horváth, G Christopoulos
Frontiers in Psychology 11, 536376, 2020
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Articles 1–20