Angelica Poli
Angelica Poli
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Measurement of multimodal physiological signals for stimulation detection by wearable devices
G Cosoli, A Poli, L Scalise, S Spinsante
Measurement 184, 109966, 2021
Impact of wearable measurement properties and data quality on ADLs classification accuracy
A Poli, G Cosoli, L Scalise, S Spinsante
IEEE Sensors Journal 21 (13), 14221-14231, 2020
Physical stimuli and emotions: EDA features analysis from a wrist-worn measurement sensor
S Cecchi, A Piersanti, A Poli, S Spinsante
2020 IEEE 25th International Workshop on Computer Aided Modeling and Design …, 2020
Analysis of galvanic skin response to acoustic stimuli by wearable devices
G Iadarola, A Poli, S Spinsante
2021 IEEE International Symposium on Medical Measurements and Applications …, 2021
Reconstruction of galvanic skin Response peaks via sparse representation
G Iadarola, A Poli, S Spinsante
2021 IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology …, 2021
Clinically-validated technologies for assisted living: The vINCI project
S Spinsante, A Poli, J Mongay Batalla, P Krawiec, C Dobre, L Bǎjenaru, ...
Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing 14 (3), 2095-2116, 2023
Compressed sensing of skin conductance level for IoT-based wearable sensors
G Iadarola, A Poli, S Spinsante
2022 IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology …, 2022
Learning classifiers for analysis of Blood Volume Pulse signals in IoT-enabled systems
G Cosoli, G Iadarola, A Poli, S Spinsante
2021 IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for Industry 4.0 & IoT …, 2021
Photoplethysmograhic sensors, potential and limitations: Is it time for regulation? A comprehensive review
F Scardulla, G Cosoli, S Spinsante, A Poli, G Iadarola, R Pernice, ...
Measurement 218, 113150, 2023
Driver drowsiness detection based on variation of skin conductance from wearable device
A Amidei, A Poli, G Iadarola, F Tramarin, P Pavan, S Spinsante, L Rovati
2022 IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for Automotive …, 2022
Wearable devices as a valid support for diagnostic excellence: lessons from a pandemic going forward
G Cosoli, L Scalise, A Poli, S Spinsante
Health and Technology 11 (3), 673-675, 2021
Dataset of acceleration signals recorded while performing activities of daily living
P Climent-Pérez, ÁM Muñoz-Antón, A Poli, S Spinsante, ...
Data in Brief 41, 107896, 2022
Heart rate variability analysis with wearable devices: Influence of artifact correction method on classification accuracy for emotion recognition
G Cosoli, A Poli, L Scalise, S Spinsante
2021 IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology …, 2021
Analyzing technology acceptance and perception of privacy in ambient assisted living for using sensor-based technologies
W Wilkowska, J Offermann, S Spinsante, A Poli, M Ziefle
Plos one 17 (7), e0269642, 2022
State of the art of audio-and video-based solutions for AAL
S Aleksic, M Atanasov, JC Agius, K Camilleri, A Cartolovni, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2207.01487, 2022
Acceptance and Preferences of Using Ambient Sensor-Based Lifelogging Technologies in Home Environments
J Offermann, W Wilkowska, A Poli, S Spinsante, M Ziefle
Sensors 21 (24), 8297, 2021
Improving the collection and understanding the quality of datasets for the aim of human activity recognition
A Poli, S Spinsante, C Nugent, I Cleland
Smart Assisted Living: Toward An Open Smart-Home Infrastructure, 147-165, 2020
The importance of physiological data variability in wearable devices for digital health applications
G Cosoli, A Poli, S Spinsante, L Scalise
Acta Imeko 11 (2), 1-8, 2022
Exploiting blood volume pulse and skin conductance for driver drowsiness detection
A Poli, A Amidei, S Benatti, G Iadarola, F Tramarin, L Rovati, P Pavan, ...
EAI International Conference on IoT Technologies for HealthCare, 50-61, 2022
Variability of muscular recruitment in hemiplegic walking assessed by EMG analysis
F Di Nardo, S Spinsante, C Pagliuca, A Poli, A Strazza, V Agostini, ...
Electronics 9 (10), 1572, 2020
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Articles 1–20