Jeffrey A. Gottfried
Jeffrey A. Gottfried
Pew Research Center
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Cited by
News use across social media platforms 2016
J Gottfried, E Shearer
Pew Research Center 26, 2016
Political polarization & media habits
A Mitchell, J Gottfried, J Kiley, KE Matsa
Report for the Pew Research Internet Project, 2014
The modern news consumer: News attitudes and practices in the digital era
A Mitchell, J Gottfried, M Barthel, E Shearer
Pew Research Center 2, 2016
The evolving role of news on Twitter and Facebook
M Barthel, E Shearer, J Gottfried, A Mitchell
Pew Research Center, 2015
Many Americans say made-up news is a critical problem that needs to be fixed
A Mitchell, J Gottfried, S Fedeli, G Stocking, M Walker
Pew Research Center. June 5, 2019, 2019
The Role of News on Facebook
A Mitchell, J Kiley, J Gottfried, E Guskin
Pew Research Journalism Project. October 24, 2013, 2013
News use across social media platforms
J Holcomb, J Gottfried, A Mitchell
Pew Research Journalism Project, 2013
Americans’ online news use is closing in on TV news use
J Gottfried, E Shearer
Fact Tank: News in the Numbers, 2017
Millennials and political news: Social media—the local TV for the next generation? Pew Research Center
A Mitchell, J Gottfried, KE Matsa
The 2016 Presidential Campaign–a News Event That’s Hard to Miss
J Gottfried, M Barthel, E Shearer, A Mitchell
Pew Research Center 4, 2016
Did Fact Checking Matter in the 2012 Presidential Campaign?
JA Gottfried, BW Hardy, KM Winneg, KH Jamieson
American Behavioral Scientist 57 (11), 1558-1567, 2013
Science news and information today
C Funk, J Gottfried, A Mitchell
Journalism and Media, 2017
Stephen Colbert's civics lesson: How Colbert Super PAC taught viewers about campaign finance
BW Hardy, JA Gottfried, KM Winneg, KH Jamieson
Mass Communication and Society 17 (3), 329-353, 2014
The Changing Nature of Political Debate Consumption: Social Media, Multitasking, and Knowledge Acquisition
JA Gottfried, BW Hardy, RL Holbert, KM Winneg, K Hall Jamieson
Political Communication, 1-28, 2016
Teens, Social Media and Technology 2023
M Anderson, M Faverio, J Gottfried
Pew Research Center, 2023
How Americans encounter, recall and act upon digital news
A Mitchell, J Gottfried, E Shearer, K Lu
Pew Research Center, 2017
The effects of judicial campaign activity on the legitimacy of courts: A survey-based experiment
JL Gibson, JA Gottfried, MXD Carpini, KH Jamieson
Political Research Quarterly, 1065912910370684, 2010
Distinguishing between factual and opinion statements in the news
A Mitchell, J Gottfried, M Barthel, N Sumida
Pew Research Center, 2018
Partisan divides in media trust widen, driven by a decline among Republicans
J Gottfried, J Liedke
Pew Research Center, 2021
US adults under 30 now trust information from social media almost as much as from national news outlets
J Liedke, J Gottfried
Pew Research Center, 2022
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Articles 1–20