Ryan J. Baxter
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Cited by
Enterprise risk management program quality: Determinants, value relevance, and the financial crisis
R Baxter, JC Bedard, R Hoitash, A Yezegel
Contemporary Accounting Research 30 (4), 1264-1295, 2013
Applying basic gamification techniques to IT compliance training: Evidence from the lab and field
RJ Baxter, DK Holderness Jr, DA Wood
Journal of information systems 30 (3), 119-133, 2016
Using generalized audit software to detect material misstatements, control deficiencies and fraud: How financial and IT auditors perceive net audit benefits
M Bradford, D Henderson, RJ Baxter, P Navarro
Managerial Auditing Journal 35 (4), 521-547, 2020
Dynamics of inter‐organizational knowledge creation and information technology use across object worlds: the case of an innovative construction project
N Berente, R Baxter, K Lyytinen
Construction Management and Economics 28 (6), 569-588, 2010
A framework for selecting a location based service (LBS) strategy and service portfolio
D Tilson, K Lyytinen, R Baxter
37th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2004 …, 2004
The effects of gamification on corporate compliance training: A partial replication and field study of true office anti-corruption training programs
RJ Baxter, DK Holderness Jr, DA Wood
Journal of Forensic Accounting Research 2 (1), A20-A30, 2017
Does the use of intelligent learning and assessment software enhance the acquisition of financial accounting knowledge?
RJ Baxter, JC Thibodeau
Issues in Accounting Education 26 (4), 647-656, 2011
The process of embedding new information technology artifacts into innovative design practices
RJ Baxter, N Berente
Information and Organization 20 (3-4), 133-155, 2010
Handoff processes, information quality and patient safety: A trans‐disciplinary literature review
JL Gogan, RJ Baxter, SR Boss, AM Chircu
Business Process Management Journal 19 (1), 70-94, 2013
Medication errors, handoff processes and information quality: A community hospital case study
AM Chircu, JL Gogan, SR Boss, R Baxter
Business Process Management Journal 19 (2), 201-216, 2013
The dark side of online knowledge sharing (retracted)
AL Smith, RJ Baxter, SR Boss, JE Hunton
Journal of Information Systems 26 (2), 71-91, 2012
Capturing affect via the experience sampling method: prospects for accounting information systems researchers
RJ Baxter, JE Hunton
International Journal of Accounting Information Systems 12 (2), 90-98, 2011
The development and deploymentof electronic personal health records: A strategic positioning perspective
M Lewis, R Baxter, R Pouder
Journal of Health Organization and Management 27 (5), 577-600, 2013
Informed collaboration in health care: An embedded‐cases study in geriatric telepsychiatry
SW Hansen, JL Gogan, RJ Baxter, MJ Garfield
Information Systems Journal 29 (2), 514-547, 2019
Strategic surrogates or sad sinners: US taxation of bartering in digital services
MJ Cowan, J Cutler, RJ Baxter
American Business Law Journal 58 (4), 849-890, 2021
The effects of gamification on corporate compliance training: A field experiment of True Office anti-corruption training programs
RJ Baxter, K Holderness, DA Wood
Available at SSRN 2766683, 2016
Middle range theorizing about information technology impact: a study of 3D CAD impact on construction work practices
RJ Baxter
Case Western Reserve University, 2008
Seeing a patient's eyes: System trust in telemedicine
J Gogan, M Garfield, R Baxter
BLED 2009 Proceedings, 33, 2009
Information Technology Impact on Work Practices: A Study of 3D CAD Capabilities in Architecture, Engineering, and Construction
R Baxter, K Lyytinen
ve Yezegel, A.(2013).“
R Baxter, JC Bedard, R Hoitash
Enterprise Risk Management Program Quality: Determinants, Value Relevance …, 0
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