Funda Yıldırım
Funda Yıldırım
University of Twente
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Cited by
A second-order orientation-contrast stimulus for population-receptive-field-based retinotopic mapping
F Yildirim, J Carvalho, FW Cornelissen
Neuroimage, 2017
Eyes on crowding: Crowding is preserved when responding by eye and similarly affects identity and position accuracy
F Yildirim, V Meyer, FW Cornelissen
Journal of Vision 15 (2), 21-21, 2015
An exploratory analysis of the neural correlates of human-robot interactions with functional near infrared spectroscopy
E Yorgancigil, F Yildirim, BA Urgen, SB Erdogan
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16, 883905, 2022
Hybrid machine learning method for a connectivity-based epilepsy diagnosis with resting-state EEG
B Rijnders, EE Korkmaz, F Yildirim
Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing 60 (6), 1675-1689, 2022
Uncanny valley effect is amplified with multimodal stimuli and varies across ages
E Yorgancigil, BA Urgan, F Yildirim
Peripheral visual localization is degraded by globally incongruent auditory-spatial attention cues
J Ahveninen, G Ingalls, F Yildirim, FJ Calabro, LM Vaina
Experimental brain research 237, 2137-2143, 2019
Harmonicity of sound alters roughness perception
D Katircilar, F Yildirim
Saccades Follow Perception When Judging Location
F Yildirim, FW Cornelissen
i-Perception 6 (6), 1-10, 2015
Exploring the effectiveness of virtual reality in combating misinformation on climate change
E Erisen, F Yildirim, E Duran, B Şar, I Kalkan
Political Psychology, 2024
Culinary Cognition: The Interplay Between Visual Sensory Cues, Food Memory, And Food Perception
B Senguler, S Ozilgen, F Yildirim
Native Attributions of Immigrant Behavioral Accounts in Virtual Reality
DB Akdoğdu, E Erisen, F Yildirim
OSF, 2023
Influence of Emotional Outcome Valence on Sense of Agency in a Free Choice Task
I Ari, F Yildirim
PsyArXiv, 2023
Estimating receptive field profiles of specific visual fields
OB Erkat, D Erisen, C Yilmaz, F Yildirim, H Boyaci
Journal of Vision 22 (14), 3666-3666, 2022
Talk session 9. Perceptual memory & learning The Relationship between Shape Features, Naturalness Perception and Visual Memory
F Yildirim, N Konukoglu
PERCEPTION 51, 67-67, 2022
Masking Emotions: How Does Perceived Gaze Direction Affect Emotion Recognition in Masked Faces?–An Eye-Tracking Study
C Malak, F Yildirim
PsyArXiv, 2022
Attention towards Facial Regions Varies between Emotion Types but not between Attachment Styles
DD Türk, F Yildirim
Auditory Localization Performance can be Enhanced by both Visual and Audiovisual Short-term Training
D Katircilar, SM Vit, N Birasoglu, DD Turk, F Yildirim
Audio-Visual Components and Cross-Generation Characteristics of Uncanny Valley
E Yorgancigil, BA Urgen, C Malak, F Yildirim
PERCEPTION 50 (1_ SUPPL), 104-104, 2021
Neural underpinnings of negative emotional expressions evoked by audiovisual stimuli
DD Turk, G Eskikurt, S Tasliyurt, F Yildirim, O Senkesen, H Kucucuk, ...
PERCEPTION 50 (1_ SUPPL), 32-32, 2021
Modalities interact across low-levels but not at higher-levels in auditory bistable competition intervened by visual stimulus
AA Demircan, F Yildirim
PERCEPTION 50 (1_ SUPPL), 176-176, 2021
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Articles 1–20