Markus Klein
Cited by
Cited by
The effects of work experience during higher education on labour market entry: learning by doing or an entry ticket?
F Weiss, M Klein, T Grauenhorst
Work, Employment & Society 28 (5), 788-807, 2014
Is forcing them worth the effort? Benefits of mandatory internships for graduates from diverse family backgrounds at labour market entry
M Klein, F Weiss
Studies in Higher Education 36 (8), 969-987, 2011
School absenteeism and academic achievement: does the reason for absence matter?
M Klein, E Sosu, S Dare
AERA Open, 2022
Curriculum differentiation and social inequality in higher education entry in Scotland and Ireland
C Iannelli, E Smyth, M Klein
British Educational Research Journal 42 (4), 561-581, 2016
Soziale Disparitäten in der Sekundarstufe und ihre langfristige Entwicklung*
M Klein, S Schindler, R Pollak, W Müller
Bildungsentscheidungen (Sonderband 12/09 Zeitschrift für …, 2010
The Impact of Social Origin on Graduates’ Early Occupational Destinations—An Anglo-German Comparison
M Jacob, M Klein, C Iannelli
European Sociological Review 31 (4), 460-476, 2015
Socioeconomic status and school absenteeism: A systematic review and narrative synthesis
EM Sosu, S Dare, C Goodfellow, M Klein
Review of Education 9 (3), e3291, 2021
The increasing unemployment gap between the low and high educated in West Germany. Structural or cyclical crowding-out?
M Klein
Social Science Research 50, 110-125, 2015
Mapping inequalities in school attendance: The relationship between dimensions of socioeconomic status and forms of school absence
M Klein, EM Sosu, S Dare
Children and Youth Services Review 118, 105432, 2020
Higher education and non-pecuniary returns in Germany: tracing the mechanisms behind field of study effects at the start of the career
M Klein
Irish Educational Studies 30 (2), 253-270, 2011
Trends in the association between educational attainment and class destinations in West Germany: Looking inside the service class
M Klein
Research in Social Stratification and Mobility 29 (4), 427-444, 2011
Educational Expansion, Occupational Closure and the Relation between Educational Attainment and Occupational Prestige over Time
M Klein
Sociology 50 (1), 3-23, 2016
Soziale Netzwerke und Jobfindung von Hochschulabsolventen—Die Bedeutung des Netzwerktyps für monetäre Arbeitsmarkterträge und Ausbildungsadäquatheit/Social Networks and …
F Weiss, M Klein
Zeitschrift für Soziologie 40 (3), 228-245, 2011
Social origin, field of study and graduates’ career progression: does social inequality vary across fields?
M Jacob, M Klein
The British Journal of Sociology 70 (5), 1850-1873, 2019
Parental education, television exposure, and children's early cognitive, language and behavioral development
M Kühhirt, M Klein
Social Science Research 86, 102391, 2020
Die Klassenbasis in der Parteipräferenz des deutschen Wählers. Erosion oder Wandel?
W Müller, M Klein
Wählen in Deutschland, 92-117, 2012
Schein oder Sein: Bildungsdisparitäten in der europäischen Statistik. Eine Illustration am Beispiel Deutschlands
W Müller, M Klein
Journal of Contextual Economics–Schmollers Jahrbuch, 511-543, 2008
Der Einfluss der Bildungsherkunft auf den Berufseinstieg und die ersten Erwerbsjahre von Universitätsabsolventen
M Jacob, M Klein
Beiträge zur Hochschulforschung 35 (1), 8-37, 2013
Sozial erwünschtes Antwortverhalten bezüglich der Teilung häuslicher Arbeit: die Interaktion von Interviewergeschlecht und Befragtenmerkmalen in Telefoninterviews
M Klein, M Kühhirt
Methoden-Daten-Analysen 4 (2), 228-245, 2010
Who benefits from attending elite universities? Family background and graduates’ career trajectories
M Klein
Research in Social Stratification and Mobility 72, 100585, 2021
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Articles 1–20