Martino Trevisan
Martino Trevisan
Assistant Professor, University of Trieste
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Cited by
Campus traffic and e-Learning during COVID-19 pandemic
T Favale, F Soro, M Trevisan, I Drago, M Mellia
Computer networks 176, 107290, 2020
Five years at the edge: Watching internet from the isp network
M Trevisan, D Giordano, I Drago, M Mellia, M Munafo
Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Emerging Networking …, 2018
A first look at starlink performance
F Michel, M Trevisan, D Giordano, O Bonaventure
Proceedings of the 22nd ACM Internet Measurement Conference, 130-136, 2022
4 years of EU cookie law: Results and lessons learned
M Trevisan, S Traverso, E Bassi, M Mellia
Proceedings on Privacy Enhancing Technologies 2019 (2), 126-145, 2019
Traffic Analysis with Off-the-Shelf Hardware: Challenges and Lessons Learned
M Trevisan, A Finamore, M Mellia, M Munafň, D Rossi
IEEE Communications Magazine 55 (3), 163 - 169, 2017
A network analysis on cloud gaming: Stadia, geforce now and psnow
A Di Domenico, G Perna, M Trevisan, L Vassio, D Giordano
Network 1 (3), 247-260, 2021
On the dynamics of political discussions on instagram: A network perspective
CHG Ferreira, F Murai, APC Silva, JM Almeida, M Trevisan, L Vassio, ...
Online Social Networks and Media 25, 100155, 2021
Measuring HTTP/3: Adoption and Performance
T Martino, G Danilo, D Idilio, SK Ali
2021 19th Mediterranean Communication and Computer Networking Conference …, 2021
A comparative study of RTC applications
A Nistico, D Markudova, M Trevisan, M Meo, G Carofiglio
2020 IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia (ISM), 1-8, 2020
Debate on online social networks at the time of COVID-19: An Italian case study
M Trevisan, L Vassio, D Giordano
Online Social Networks and Media 23, 100136, 2021
Towards web service classification using addresses and DNS
M Trevisan, I Drago, M Mellia, MM Munafo
2016 International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference …, 2016
Towards understanding political interactions on Instagram
M Trevisan, L Vassio, I Drago, M Mellia, F Murai, F Figueiredo, ...
Proceedings of the 30th ACM conference on hypertext and social media, 247-251, 2019
Are darknets all the same? On darknet visibility for security monitoring
F Soro, I Drago, M Trevisan, M Mellia, J Ceron, JJ Santanna
2019 IEEE international symposium on local and metropolitan area networks …, 2019
AWESoME: Big Data for Automatic Web Service Management in SDN
M Trevisan, I Drago, M Mellia, HH Song, M Baldi
IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, 2018
PAIN: A Passive Web performance indicator for ISPs
M Trevisan, I Drago, M Mellia
Computer Networks 149, 115-126, 2019
A first look at HTTP/3 adoption and performance
G Perna, M Trevisan, D Giordano, I Drago
Computer Communications 187, 115-124, 2022
The Internet with privacy policies: Measuring the Web upon consent
N Jha, M Trevisan, L Vassio, M Mellia
ACM Transactions on the Web (TWEB) 16 (3), 1-24, 2022
Benchmark and comparison of tracker-blockers: Should you trust them?
S Traverso, M Trevisan, L Giannantoni, M Mellia, H Metwalley
2017 Network traffic measurement and analysis conference (TMA), 1-9, 2017
When satellite is all you have: watching the internet from 550 ms
D Perdices, G Perna, M Trevisan, D Giordano, M Mellia
Proceedings of the 22nd ACM Internet Measurement Conference, 137-150, 2022
ERRANT: Realistic emulation of radio access networks
M Trevisan, AS Khatouni, D Giordano
Computer Networks 176, 107289, 2020
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Articles 1–20