Alexander Boukhanovsky
Alexander Boukhanovsky
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Cited by
CLAVIRE: e-Science infrastructure for data-driven computing
KV Knyazkov, SV Kovalchuk, TN Tchurov, SV Maryin, AV Boukhanovsky
Journal of Computational Science 3 (6), 504-510, 2012
Stochastic simulation of HIV population dynamics through complex network modelling
PMA Sloot, SV Ivanov, AV Boukhanovsky, DAMC van de Vijver, ...
International Journal of Computer Mathematics 85 (8), 1175-1187, 2008
Estimation of extreme wind wave heights.
LJ Lopatoukhin, VA Rozhkov, VE Ryabinin, VR Swail, AV Boukhanovsky, ...
WMO & IOC, 2000
Modelling of multipeaked directional wave spectra
AV Boukhanovsky, CG Soares
Applied Ocean Research 31 (2), 132-141, 2009
Spectral wave climate of the North Sea
AV Boukhanovsky, LJ Lopatoukhin, CG Soares
Applied Ocean Research 29 (3), 146-154, 2007
Individual decision making can drive epidemics: a fuzzy cognitive map study
S Mei, Y Zhu, X Qiu, X Zhou, Z Zu, AV Boukhanovsky, PMA Sloot
IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems 22 (2), 264-273, 2013
Automated evolutionary approach for the design of composite machine learning pipelines
NO Nikitin, P Vychuzhanin, M Sarafanov, IS Polonskaia, I Revin, ...
Future Generation Computer Systems 127, 109-125, 2022
A grid-based HIV expert system
PMA Sloot, AV Boukhanovsky, W Keulen, A Tirado-Ramos, CA Boucher
Journal of Clinical Monitoring and Computing 19, 263-278, 2005
Modeling the climatic variability of directional wave spectra
C Lucas, A Boukhanovsky, CG Soares
Ocean Engineering 38 (11-12), 1283-1290, 2011
CLAVIRE: перспективная технология облачных вычислений второго поколения
АВ Бухановский, ВН Васильев, ВН Виноградов, ДЮ Смирнов, ...
Известия высших учебных заведений. Приборостроение 54 (10), 7-14, 2011
Blockchain-based transaction integrity in distributed big data marketplace
D Nasonov, AA Visheratin, A Boukhanovsky
Computational Science–ICCS 2018: 18th International Conference, Wuxi, China …, 2018
Simulating city-level airborne infectious diseases
S Mei, B Chen, Y Zhu, MH Lees, AV Boukhanovsky, PMA Sloot
Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 51, 97-105, 2015
Интеллектуальные высокопроизводительные программные комплексы моделирования сложных систем: концепция, архитектура и примеры реализации
АВ Бухановский, СВ Ковальчук, СВ Марьин
Изв. вузов. Приборостроение 52 (10), 5-24, 2009
Strain solitary waves in an elastic rod embedded in another elastic external medium with sliding
AV Porubov, AM Samsonov, MG Velarde, AV Bukhanovsky
Physical Review E 58 (3), 3854, 1998
Simulation-based collaborative decision support for surge floods prevention in St. Petersburg
SV Ivanov, SS Kosukhin, AV Kaluzhnaya, AV Boukhanovsky
Journal of Computational Science 3 (6), 450-455, 2012
Развитие системы суперкомпьютерного образования в России: текущие результаты и перспективы
ВВ Воеводин, ВП Гергель, ЛБ Соколинский, ВП Демкин, НН Попова, ...
Вестник Нижегородского университета им. НИ Лобачевского, 268-274, 2012
Static scheduling of multiple workflows with soft deadlines in non-dedicated heterogeneous environments
K Bochenina, N Butakov, A Boukhanovsky
Future Generation Computer Systems 55, 51-61, 2016
Distributed simulation of city inundation by coupled surface and subsurface porous flow for urban flood decision support system
VV Krzhizhanovskaya, NB Melnikova, AM Chirkin, SV Ivanov, ...
Procedia Computer Science 18, 1046-1056, 2013
Справочные данные по режиму ветра и волнения Балтийского, Северного, Черного, Азовского и Средиземного морей
ЛИ Лопатухин, АВ Бухановский, СВ Иванов, ЕС Чернышева
Российский морской регистр судоходства. СПб 450, 2006
Probabilistic qualities of nonlinear stochastic rolling
VL Belenky, AB Degtyarev, AV Boukhanovsky
Ocean Engineering 25 (1), 1-25, 1998
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Articles 1–20