Marijn van Klingeren
Marijn van Klingeren
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Real world is not enough: The media as an additional source of negative attitudes toward immigration, comparing Denmark and the Netherlands
M Van Klingeren, HG Boomgaarden, R Vliegenthart, CH De Vreese
European Sociological Review 31 (3), 268-283, 2015
Going soft or staying soft: have identity factors become more important than economic rationale when explaining euroscepticism?
M Van Klingeren, HG Boomgaarden, CH De Vreese
Journal of European Integration 35 (6), 689-704, 2013
Selective exposure, political polarization, and possible mediators: Evidence from the Netherlands
D Trilling, M Van Klingeren, Y Tsfati
International Journal of Public Opinion Research 29 (2), 189-213, 2017
Will conflict tear us apart? The effects of conflict and valenced media messages on polarizing attitudes toward EU immigration and border control
M Van Klingeren, HG Boomgaarden, CH De Vreese
Public Opinion Quarterly 81 (2), 543-563, 2017
Acculturation, decoupling, or both? Migration’s impact on the linkage between religiosity and gender equality attitudes
M van Klingeren, N Spierings
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 1-22, 2020
Public opinion on Twitter? How vote choice and arguments on Twitter comply with patterns in survey data, evidence from the 2016 Ukraine referendum in the Netherlands
JM M. van Klingeren, D. Trilling
Acta politica, 2020
New perspective? Comparing Frame Occurrence in Online and Traditional News Media Reporting on Europe’s “Migration Crisis”
CS Czymara, M van Klingeren
SocArXiv, 2019
Constructing homonationalist identities in relation to religious and LGBTQ+ outgroups: a case study of r/RightWingLGBT
B Dickey, N Spierings, M van Klingeren
Identities, 1-20, 2022
Het Oekraïne-referendum
K Jacobs, K Jacobs, M Klingeren, H Kolk, T Meer, E Steenvoorden
Nationaal Referendumonderzoek 2016, 2016
Accommodating the Dutch populist radical right in a multi-party system: Success or failure?
M van Klingeren, A Zaslove, B Verbeek
The European Mainstream and the Populist Radical Right, 124-145, 2017
Het Wiv-referendum: Nationaal Referendum Onderzoek 2018
K Jacobs, M van Klingeren, H van der Kolk, K van der Krieken, ...
SKON, Stichting KiezersOnderzoek Nederland, 2018
Studentenmonitor 2006
A Van den Broek, F Wartenbergh, I Wermink, R Sijbers, M Thomassen, ...
Studeren in Nederland: kernindicatoren, motieven bij masterkeuze …, 2007
Party financing and referendum campaigns in EU member states
M van Klingeren, M Orozco, J van Spanje, C de Vreese
Constitutional affairs, 2015
Do religious identity and media messages join forces? Young Dutch Muslims’ identification management strategies in the Netherlands
N Geurts, M van Klingeren
Ethnicities, 14687968211060538, 2021
" Welcome" to Europe: How media and immigration affect increasing Euroscepticism
M van Klingeren
Docotral dissertation, Unversity of Amsterdam. Retrieved from http://hdl …, 2014
“It ain’t what you say, it’s the way that you say it”: A study on how tone in symbolic-and realistic threat frames affects anti-immigration attitudes in the Netherlands
M van Klingeren
OSF Preprints, 2020
Direct en indirect contact : Hoe persoonlijk contact en mediacontact hun weerslag hebben op houdingen ten opzichte van verschillende migrantengroepen
M van Beers, L. van Klingeren
Mens en Maatschappij 95 (2), 83-111, 2020
The strength of exclusive national identity as the most important indicator of Euroscepticism
M van Klingeren, HG Boomgaarden
LSE European Politics and Policy (EUROPP) Blog, 2014
The element of surprise: the diverse impact of slightly alternative specifications of context on opinion formation in multi-level modeling
M Van Klingeren, R Vliegenthart
Quality & Quantity 48 (6), 3145-3152, 2014
Leidt kennis tot lenen en lenen tot leren?-Het effect van informatie over lenen op leengedrag en studievoortgang van Nederlandse studenten
J Pass, M Muskens, B Kurver, M van Klingeren
Mens en maatschappij 85 (3), 241-258, 2010
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