Sebastià Puig
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Cited by
Microbial electrosynthesis of butyrate from carbon dioxide
R Ganigué, S Puig, P Batlle-Vilanova, MD Balaguer, J Colprim
Chemical Communications 51 (15), 3235-3238, 2015
Electro-fermentation–merging electrochemistry with fermentation in industrial applications
A Schievano, TP Sciarria, K Vanbroekhoven, H De Wever, S Puig, ...
Trends in biotechnology 34 (11), 866-878, 2016
Autotrophic denitrification in microbial fuel cells treating low ionic strength waters
S Puig, M Coma, J Desloover, N Boon, J Colprim, MD Balaguer
Environmental science & technology 46 (4), 2309-2315, 2012
Microbial electrosynthesis of butyrate from carbon dioxide: Production and extraction
P Batlle-Vilanova, R Ganigué, S Ramió-Pujol, L Bañeras, G Jiménez, ...
Bioelectrochemistry 117, 57-64, 2017
On the edge of research and technological application: a critical review of electromethanogenesis
R Blasco-Gómez, P Batlle-Vilanova, M Villano, MD Balaguer, J Colprim, ...
International journal of molecular sciences 18 (4), 874, 2017
Microbial fuel cell application in landfill leachate treatment
S Puig, M Serra, M Coma, M Cabré, MD Balaguer, J Colprim
Journal of Hazardous Materials 185 (2-3), 763-767, 2011
Effect of pH on nutrient dynamics and electricity production using microbial fuel cells
S Puig, M Serra, M Coma, M Cabré, MD Balaguer, J Colprim
Bioresource technology 101 (24), 9594-9599, 2010
Start‐up and enrichment of a granular anammox SBR to treat high nitrogen load wastewaters
H López, S Puig, R Ganigué, M Ruscalleda, MD Balaguer, J Colprim
Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology: International Research in …, 2008
Autotrophic nitrite removal in the cathode of microbial fuel cells
S Puig, M Serra, A Vilar-Sanz, M Cabré, L Bañeras, J Colprim, ...
Bioresource technology 102 (6), 4462-4467, 2011
Microbial electrosynthesis: towards sustainable biorefineries for production of green chemicals from CO2 emissions
P Dessì, L Rovira-Alsina, C Sánchez, GK Dinesh, W Tong, P Chatterjee, ...
Biotechnology Advances 46, 107675, 2021
Bioelectroremediation of perchlorate and nitrate contaminated water: a review
S Sevda, TR Sreekishnan, N Pous, S Puig, D Pant
Bioresource technology 255, 331-339, 2018
Continuous acetate production through microbial electrosynthesis from CO2 with microbial mixed culture
P Batlle‐Vilanova, S Puig, R Gonzalez‐Olmos, MD Balaguer, J Colprim
Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology 91 (4), 921-927, 2016
Cathode potential and anode electron donor evaluation for a suitable treatment of nitrate-contaminated groundwater in bioelectrochemical systems
N Pous, S Puig, MD Balaguer, J Colprim
Chemical Engineering Journal 263, 151-159, 2015
In situ groundwater and sediment bioremediation: barriers and perspectives at European contaminated sites
M Majone, R Verdini, F Aulenta, S Rossetti, V Tandoi, N Kalogerakis, ...
New biotechnology 32 (1), 133-146, 2015
Bioremediation of nitrate‐polluted groundwater in a microbial fuel cell
N Pous, S Puig, M Coma, MD Balaguer, J Colprim
Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology 88 (9), 1690-1696, 2013
Microbial electrochemistry for bioremediation
X Wang, F Aulenta, S Puig, A Esteve-Núnez, Y He, Y Mu, K Rabaey
Environmental Science and Ecotechnology 1, 100013, 2020
Extracellular electron transfer of biocathodes: Revealing the potentials for nitrate and nitrite reduction of denitrifying microbiomes dominated by Thiobacillus sp.
N Pous, C Koch, J Colprim, S Puig, F Harnisch
Electrochemistry Communications 49, 93-97, 2014
Selection between alcohols and volatile fatty acids as external carbon sources for EBPR
S Puig, M Coma, H Monclús, MCM Van Loosdrecht, J Colprim, ...
Water research 42 (3), 557-566, 2008
Heterotrophic denitrification on granular anammox SBR treating urban landfill leachate
M Ruscalleda, H López, R Ganigué, S Puig, MD Balaguer, J Colprim
Water science and technology 58 (9), 1749-1755, 2008
Fuzzy control of dissolved oxygen in a sequencing batch reactor pilot plant
A Traore, S Grieu, S Puig, L Corominas, F Thiéry, M Polit, J Colprim
Chemical Engineering Journal 111 (1), 13-19, 2005
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Articles 1–20