Reimar Schröter
Cited by
Cited by
Feature-Model Interfaces: The Highway to Compositional Analyses of Highly-Configurable Systems
R Schröter, S Krieter, T Thüm, F Benduhn, G Saake
Proceedings of the 38th International Conference on Software Engineering …, 2016
An overview on analysis tools for software product lines
J Meinicke, T Thüm, R Schröter, F Benduhn, G Saake
Proceedings of the 18th International Software Product Line Conference …, 2014
JavAdaptor—Flexible runtime updates of Java applications
M Pukall, C Kästner, W Cazzola, S Götz, A Grebhahn, R Schröter, ...
Software: Practice and Experience 43 (2), 153-185, 2013
Tool demo: testing configurable systems with FeatureIDE
M Al-Hajjaji, J Meinicke, S Krieter, R Schröter, T Thüm, T Leich, G Saake
Proceedings of the 2016 ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Generative …, 2016
FeatureIDE: Taming the Preprocessor Wilderness
J Meinicke, T Thüm, R Schröter, S Krieter, F Benduhn, G Saake, T Leich
ICSE, 2016
FeatureIDE: Scalable Product Configuration of Variable Systems
JA Pereira, S Krieter, J Meinicke, R Schröter, G Saake, T Leich
International Conference on Software Reuse, 397-401, 2016
Feature-context interfaces: tailored programming interfaces for software product lines
R Schröter, N Siegmund, T Thüm, G Saake
Proceedings of the 18th International Software Product Line Conference …, 2014
Towards modular analysis of multi product lines
R Schröter, N Siegmund, T Thüm
Proceedings of the 17th International Software Product Line Conference co …, 2013
QuEval: Beyond high-dimensional indexing à la carte
M Schäler, A Grebhahn, R Schröter, S Schulze, V Köppen, G Saake
Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment 6 (14), 1654–1665, 2013
Comparing algorithms for efficient feature-model slicing
S Krieter, R Schröter, T Thüm, W Fenske, G Saake
Proceedings of the 20th International Systems and Software Product Line …, 2016
Automated analysis of dependent feature models
R Schröter, T Thüm, N Siegmund, G Saake
Proceedings of the Seventh International Workshop on Variability Modelling …, 2013
JavAdaptor: unrestricted dynamic software updates for Java
M Pukall, A Grebhahn, R Schroter, C Kastner, W Cazzola, S Gotz
Software Engineering (ICSE), 2011 33rd International Conference on, 989-991, 2011
Use-Case-Specific Source-Code Documentation for Feature-Oriented Programming
S Krieter, R Schröter, W Fenske, G Saake
Proceedings of the Ninth International Workshop on Variability Modelling of …, 2015
Product-line maintenance with emergent contract interfaces
T Thüm, M Ribeiro, R Schröter, J Siegmund, F Dalton
Proceedings of the 20th International Systems and Software Product Line …, 2016
Variability hiding in contracts for dependent software product lines
T Thüm, T Winkelmann, R Schröter, M Hentschel, S Krüger
Proceedings of the tenth international workshop on variability modelling of …, 2016
Subclack: feature-oriented programming with behavioral feature interfaces
T Thüm, S Apel, A Zelend, R Schröter, B Möller
Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on MechAnisms for SPEcialization …, 2013
An Efficient Algorithm for Feature-Model Slicing
S Krieter, R Schröter, T Thüm, G Saake
Technical Report FIN-001-2016, University of Magdeburg, Germany, 2016
Toward variability management to tailor high dimensional index implementations
V Köppen, M Schäler, R Schröter
2014 IEEE Eighth International Conference on Research Challenges in …, 2014
Challenges in Finding an Appropriate Multi-Dimensional Index Structure with Respect to Specific Use Cases.
A Grebhahn, D Broneske, M Schäler, R Schröter, V Köppen, G Saake
Grundlagen von Datenbanken, 77-82, 2012
Using Multi-Level Interfaces to Improve Analyses of Multi Product Lines
R Schröter
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Articles 1–20