Renaud Rwemalika
Renaud Rwemalika
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Cited by
The importance of accounting for real-world labelling when predicting software vulnerabilities
M Jimenez, R Rwemalika, M Papadakis, F Sarro, Y Le Traon, M Harman
Proceedings of the 2019 27th ACM Joint Meeting on European Software …, 2019
Data-driven simulation and optimization for Covid-19 exit strategies
S Ghamizi, R Rwemalika, M Cordy, L Veiber, TF Bissyandé, M Papadakis, ...
Proceedings of the 26th ACM SIGKDD international conference on knowledge …, 2020
On the evolution of keyword-driven test suites
R Rwemalika, M Kintis, M Papadakis, Y Le Traon, P Lorrach
2019 12th IEEE Conference on Software Testing, Validation and Verification …, 2019
Flakime: laboratory-controlled test flakiness impact assessment
M Cordy, R Rwemalika, A Franci, M Papadakis, M Harman
Proceedings of the 44th International Conference on Software Engineering …, 2022
Flakime: Laboratory-controlled test flakiness impact assessment. A case study on mutation testing and program repair
M Cordy, R Rwemalika, M Papadakis, M Harman
arXiv preprint arXiv:1912.03197, 2019
An industrial study on the differences between pre-release and post-release bugs
R Rwemalika, M Kintis, M Papadakis, Y Le Traon, P Lorrach
2019 IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution …, 2019
Smells in system user interactive tests
R Rwemalika, S Habchi, M Papadakis, Y Le Traon, MC Brasseur
Empirical Software Engineering 28 (1), 20, 2023
Ukwikora: continuous inspection for keyword-driven testing
R Rwemalika, M Kintis, M Papadakis, Y Le Traon, P Lorrach
Proceedings of the 28th ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software …, 2019
An empirical study of async wait flakiness in front-end testing.
Y Pei, S Habchi, R Rwemalika, J Sohn, M Papadakis
On the Maintenance of System User Interactive Tests
R Rwemalika
Unilu-University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg, Luxembourg, 2021
FlakiMe: Laboratory-controlled test flakiness impact assessment. A case study on mutation testing and automated program repair
M Cordy, M Papadakis, R Rwemalika, M Harman
arXiv, 2019
Can we automate away the main challenges of end-to-end testing?
R Rwemalika, M Kintis, M Papadakis, Y Le Traon
The 17th Belgium-Netherlands Software Evolution Workshop, 2018
AST 2020
T Ahmad, I Ashraf, T Ayav, D Eddine, MM Eler, R Gu, Z Hao, Y Kim, J Li, ...
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Articles 1–13