Nur Ain Izzati Mohd Zainudin
Nur Ain Izzati Mohd Zainudin
Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Universiti Putra Malaysia
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Cited by
Tolerance and biosorption of copper (Cu) and lead (Pb) by filamentous fungi isolated from a freshwater ecosystem
NL Iskandar, NAIM Zainudin, SG Tan
Journal of Environmental Sciences 23 (5), 824-830, 2011
Comparative Genome Structure, Secondary Metabolite, and Effector Coding Capacity across Cochliobolus Pathogens
BJ Condon, Y Leng, D Wu, KE Bushley, RA Ohm, R Otillar, J Martin, ...
PLoS genetics 9 (1), e1003233, 2013
Bakanae disease of rice in Malaysia and Indonesia: etiology of the causal agent based on morphological, physiological and pathogenicity characteristics
NAIM Zainudin, AA Razak, B Salleh
Journal of Plant Protection Research, 2008
Disease suppression in Ganoderma-infected oil palm seedlings treated with Trichoderma harzianum
Plant Protection Science 44 (3), 101-107, 2008
Plant growth-promoting bacteria as an emerging tool to manage bacterial rice pathogens
MS Ngalimat, E Mohd Hata, D Zulperi, SI Ismail, MR Ismail, ...
Microorganisms 9 (4), 682, 2021
Morphological and molecular characterization of Curvularia and related species associated with leaf spot disease of rice in Peninsular Malaysia
NA Kusai, M Mior Zakuan Azmi, S Zulkifly, MT Yusof, NAI Mohd Zainudin
Rendiconti lincei 27, 205-214, 2016
Distribution, Morphological Characterization and Pathogenicity of Fusarium sacchari Associated with Pokkah Boeng Disease of Sugarcane in Peninsular Malaysia.
MS Nordahliawate, MZ Izzati, AR Azmi, B Salleh
Pertanika Journal of Tropical Agricultural Science 31 (2), 2008
Disease asessment and the efficacy of Trichoderma as a biocontrol agent of basal stem rot of oil palms
F Abdullah, GNM Ilias, M Nelson, N Izzati, UK Yusuf
Science Putra (Malaysia), 2003
Diversity of Fusarium species associated with post-harvest fruit rot disease of tomato
LTRB Tomato, AIA Bakar, MZNA Izzati, Y uMI KALSoM
Sains Malaysiana 42 (7), 911-920, 2013
Characterization of Lasiodiplodia theobromae and L. pseudotheobromae causing fruit rot on pre-harvest mango in Malaysia
MS Munirah, AR Azmi, SYC Yong, MZ Nur Ain Izzati
Plant Pathol Quar 7 (2), 202-213, 2017
Genetic diversity and pathogenicity of Fusarium species associated with fruit rot disease in banana across Peninsular Malaysia
NB Abd Murad, NMI Mohamed Nor, S Shohaimi, NAI Mohd Zainudin
Journal of applied microbiology 123 (6), 1533-1546, 2017
Contribution to knowledge of diversity of Fusarium associated with maize in Malaysia
NA Izzati, A MZ
Plant Protect. Sci 47, 20-24, 2011
Morphological and molecular detection of Fusarium chlamydosporum from root endophytes of Dendrobium crumenatum
S Siddiquee, UK Yusuf, NAIM Zainudin
African Journal of Biotechnology 9 (26), 4081-4090, 2010
Secondary metabolite profiles and mating populations of Fusarium species in section Liseola associated with bakanae disease of rice
N Zainudin, AA Razak, B Salleh
J. Microbiol 4, 6-13, 2008
Sheath brown rot disease of rice caused by Pseudomonas fuscovaginae in the Peninsular Malaysia
AA Razak, NAIM Zainudin, SNM Sidiqe, NA Ismail, NMIN Mohamad, ...
Journal of Plant Protection Research, 2009
Diversity and Morphological Characteristics of Aspergillus Species and Fusarium Species Isolated from Cornmeal in Malaysia.
P Nithiyaa, MZ Nur Ain Izzati, Y Umi Kalsom, B Salleh
Pertanika Journal of Tropical Agricultural Science 35 (1), 2012
Biocontrol efficacy of Trichoderma asperellum‐enriched coconut fibre against Fusarium wilts of cherry tomato
ZAE Hasan, NAI Mohd Zainudin, A Aris, MH Ibrahim, MT Yusof
Journal of applied microbiology 129 (4), 991-1003, 2020
Iron, oxidative stress, and virulence: roles of iron-sensitive transcription factor Sre1 and the redox sensor ChAp1 in the maize pathogen Cochliobolus heterostrophus
N Zhang, MZ NurAinIzzati, K Scher, BJ Condon, BA Horwitz, BG Turgeon
Molecular plant-microbe interactions 26 (12), 1473-1485, 2013
Isolation and Identification of Fusarium Species Associated with Fusarium Ear Rot Disease of Corn.
NAIM Zainudin, SNM Sidique, NA Johari, AA Razak, B Salleh
Pertanika Journal of Tropical Agricultural Science 34 (2), 2011
Morphological and molecular characterization, sexual reproduction, and pathogenicity of Setosphaeria rostrata isolates from rice leaf spot
NA Kusai, MMZ Azmi, NAIM Zainudin, MT Yusof, AA Razak
Mycologia 108 (5), 905-914, 2016
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Articles 1–20