Hugo Valadares Siqueira
Cited by
Cited by
Assessing the impact of PM2. 5 on respiratory disease using artificial neural networks
G Polezer, YS Tadano, HV Siqueira, AFL Godoi, CI Yamamoto, ...
Environmental pollution 235, 394-403, 2018
Sensors and systems for physical rehabilitation and health monitoring—A review
LMS Nascimento, LV Bonfati, MLB Freitas, JJA Mendes Junior, ...
Sensors 20 (15), 4063, 2020
Feature selection and dimensionality reduction: An extensive comparison in hand gesture classification by sEMG in eight channels armband approach
JJAM Junior, MLB Freitas, HV Siqueira, AE Lazzaretti, SF Pichorim, ...
Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 59, 101920, 2020
Swarm intelligence for clustering—A systematic review with new perspectives on data mining
E Figueiredo, M Macedo, HV Siqueira, CJ Santana Jr, A Gokhale, ...
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 82, 313-329, 2019
Ensemble method based on Artificial Neural Networks to estimate air pollution health risks
LN Araujo, JT Belotti, TA Alves, Y de Souza Tadano, H Siqueira
Environmental Modelling & Software 123, 104567, 2020
A novel binary artificial bee colony algorithm
CJ Santana Jr, M Macedo, H Siqueira, A Gokhale, CJA Bastos-Filho
Future Generation Computer Systems 98, 180-196, 2019
Hybridized artificial intelligence models with nature-inspired algorithms for river flow modeling: A comprehensive review, assessment, and possible future research directions
H Tao, SI Abba, AM Al-Areeq, F Tangang, S Samantaray, A Sahoo, ...
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 129, 107559, 2024
An adaptive hybrid system using deep learning for wind speed forecasting
PSG de Mattos Neto, JFL de Oliveira, DSOS Júnior, HV Siqueira, ...
Information Sciences 581, 495-514, 2021
Neural-based ensembles for particulate matter forecasting
PSGDM Neto, PRA Firmino, H Siqueira, YDS Tadano, TA Alves, ...
IEEE Access 9, 14470-14490, 2021
Unorganized machines for seasonal streamflow series forecasting
H Siqueira, L Boccato, R Attux, C Lyra
International journal of neural systems 24 (03), 1430009, 2014
Optimization tools based on metaheuristics for performance enhancement in a Gaussian adaptive PID controller
EDP Puchta, HV Siqueira, M dos Santos Kaster
IEEE transactions on cybernetics 50 (3), 1185-1194, 2019
Performance analysis of unorganized machines in streamflow forecasting of Brazilian plants
H Siqueira, L Boccato, I Luna, R Attux, C Lyra
Applied Soft Computing 68, 494-506, 2018
Multi-objective ensembles of echo state networks and extreme learning machines for streamflow series forecasting
VHA Ribeiro, G Reynoso-Meza, HV Siqueira
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 95, 103910, 2020
A methodology for coffee price forecasting based on extreme learning machines
C Deina, MH do Amaral Prates, CHR Alves, MSR Martins, F Trojan, ...
Information Processing in Agriculture 9 (4), 556-565, 2022
Unorganized machines to predict hospital admissions for respiratory diseases
Y de Souza Tadano, HV Siqueira, TA Alves
2016 IEEE Latin American Conference on Computational Intelligence (LA-CCI), 1-6, 2016
Simplified binary cat swarm optimization
H Siqueira, C Santana, M Macedo, E Figueiredo, A Gokhale, ...
Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering 28 (1), 35-50, 2021
Second life of lithium-ion batteries of electric vehicles: A short review and perspectives
CH Illa Font, HV Siqueira, JE Machado Neto, JLF Santos, SL Stevan Jr, ...
Energies 16 (2), 953, 2023
Air pollution epidemiology: A simplified Generalized Linear Model approach optimized by bio-inspired metaheuristics
JT Belotti, DS Castanho, LN Araujo, LV da Silva, TA Alves, YS Tadano, ...
Environmental research 191, 110106, 2020
Dynamic model to predict the association between air quality, COVID-19 cases, and level of lockdown
YS Tadano, S Potgieter-Vermaak, YR Kachba, DMG Chiroli, L Casacio, ...
Environmental Pollution 268, 115920, 2021
Performance comparison of feedforward neural networks applied to streamflow series forecasting.
H Siqueira, I Luna
Mathematics in Engineering, Science & Aerospace (MESA) 10 (1), 2019
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Articles 1–20