Jonas Hagmann
Jonas Hagmann
Justice- and Security Department of the Canton of Basel-Stadt
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Beyond the published discipline: Toward a critical pedagogy of international studies
J Hagmann, TJ Biersteker
European Journal of International Relations, 2012
Measuring resilience: methodological and political challenges of a trend security concept
T Prior, J Hagmann
Journal of Risk Research 17 (3), 281-298, 2014
National risk registers: Security scientism and the propagation of permanent insecurity
J Hagmann, MD Cavelty
Security Dialogue 43 (1), 79-96, 2012
The Politicisation of Security: Controversy, Mobilisation, Arena Shifting: Introduction by the Guest Editors
J Hagmann, H Hegemann, A Neal
European review of international studies 5 (3), 3-29, 2018
(In) Security and the Production of International Relations: The Politics of Securitisation in Europe
J Hagmann
Routledge, 2014
Representations of terrorism and the making of counterterrorism policy
J Hagmann
Critical Studies on Terrorism 6 (3), 429-446, 2013
Fukushima: probing the analytical and epistemological limits of risk analysis
J Hagmann
Journal of Risk Research 15 (7), 801-815, 2012
Security in the Society of Control: The Politics and Practices of Securing Urban Spaces
J Hagmann
International Political Sociology 11 (4), 418-438, 2017
Sites of Knowledge (Re-) Production: Toward an Institutional Sociology of International Relations Scholarship
F Grenier, J Hagmann
International Studies Review 18 (2), 333-365, 2016
Securitisation and the production of international order (s)
J Hagmann
Journal of International Relations and Development, 2016
Assessing, engaging and enacting worlds: Tensions in feminist method/ologies-Swiss International Relations Collective (SWIRCO) conversation with Wendy Harcourt, LHM Ling, and …
JC Graz, X Guillaume, J Hagmann, R Kunz, E Prügl
International Feminist Journal of Politics 17 (1), 158-172, 2015
The programmatic and institutional (re-) configuration of the Swiss national security field
J Hagmann, S Davidshofer, A Tawfik, A Wenger, L Wildi
Swiss Political Science Review 24 (3), 215-245, 2018
Beyond exceptionalism? New security conceptions in contemporary Switzerland
J Hagmann
Contemporary Security Policy 31 (2), 249-272, 2010
Räume der Unsicherheit: Konstruktion, Emanzipation und Exklusion durch Sicherheitspolitik
J Hagmann
Geographica Helvetica 65 (3), 172-180, 2010
Analyse du champ de la sécurité en Suisse: vers une hypertrophie de la sécurité intérieure et autres réflexions méthodologiques
S Davidshofer, A Tawfik, J Hagmann
Cultures & Conflits 102 (2), 59-93, 2016
The Politics of Security and Technology in Switzerland
M Dunn Cavelty, J Hagmann
Swiss Political Science Review 27 (1), 128-138, 2021
Historicising security analysis: the utility of looking beyond the current
J Hagmann
CONTEMPORANEA 22 (4), 615-620, 2019
Der Staat weiß es am besten? Die Schweizer Sicherheitspolitik als verwaltungszentriertes Politikfeld
J Hagmann, TS Tresch
Zeitschrift für Außen-und Sicherheitspolitik 6 (2), 199-223, 2013
Urban Design as Technology of (Counter‐) Democratic Security Politics
J Hagmann, D Kostenwein
Swiss Political Science Review 27 (1), 193-204, 2021
The Institutional “Hinge”: How the End of the Cold War Conditioned Canadian, Russian, and Swiss IR Scholarship
F Grenier, J Hagmann, T Biersteker, M Lebedeva, Y Nikitina, E Koldunova
International Studies Perspectives 21 (2), 198-217, 2020
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Articles 1–20