Frits Veerman
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An explicit theory for pulses in two component, singularly perturbed, reaction–diffusion equations
A Doelman, F Veerman
Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations 27 (3-4), 555-595, 2015
Pulses in a Gierer--Meinhardt equation with a slow nonlinearity
F Veerman, A Doelman
SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems 12 (1), 28-60, 2013
Quasiperiodic phenomena in the van der Pol–Mathieu equation
F Veerman, F Verhulst
Journal of Sound and Vibration 326 (1-2), 314-320, 2009
Breathing pulses in singularly perturbed reaction-diffusion systems
F Veerman
Nonlinearity 28 (7), 2211, 2015
A predator--2 prey fast--slow dynamical system for rapid predator evolution
SH Piltz, F Veerman, PK Maini, MA Porter
SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems 16 (1), 54-90, 2017
Beyond Turing: far-from-equilibrium patterns and mechano-chemical feedback
F Veerman, M Mercker, A Marciniak-Czochra
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A 379 (2213), 20200278, 2021
Modeling and optimization of algae growth
A Thornton, T Weinhart, O Bokhove, B Zhang, DM Sar, K Kumar, ...
Eindhoven University, Department of Mathematics and Computer Scienc, 2010
Time-dependent propagators for stochastic models of gene expression: an analytical method
F Veerman, C Marr, N Popovic
Journal of Mathematical Biology 77, 261-312, 2017
The influence of autotoxicity on the dynamics of vegetation spots
A Iuorio, F Veerman
Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 427, 133015, 2021
The influence of autotoxicity on the dynamics of vegetation spots
A Iuorio, F Veerman
Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 427, 133015, 2021
Destabilization mechanisms of periodic pulse patterns near a homoclinic limit
A Doelman, J Rademacher, B de Rijk, F Veerman
SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems 17 (2), 1833-1890, 2018
Analysis of a model for ship maneuvering
M Apri, N Banagaaya, JB Berg, R Brussee, D Bourne, T Fatima, F Irzal, ...
Proceedings of the Studygroup Mathematics with Industry 2011, 2011
Modelling how negative plant–soil feedbacks across life stages affect the spatial patterning of trees
A Iuorio, MB Eppinga, M Baudena, F Veerman, M Rietkerk, F Giannino
Scientific Reports 13 (1), 19128, 2023
Parameter inference with analytical propagators for stochastic models of autoregulated gene expression
F Veerman, N Popović, C Marr
International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation 23 (3-4 …, 2022
Travelling pulses on three spatial scales in a Klausmeier-type vegetation-autotoxicity model
P Carter, A Doelman, A Iuorio, F Veerman
Nonlinearity 37 (9), 095008, 2024
Far-from-equilibrium travelling pulses in sloped semi-arid environments driven by autotoxicity effects
G Grifò, A Iuorio, F Veerman
arXiv preprint arXiv:2405.15602, 2024
Travelling waves due to negative plant–soil feedbacks in a model including tree life-stages
A Iuorio, M Baudena, MB Eppinga, F Giannino, M Rietkerk, F Veerman
Mathematical Biosciences 368, 109128, 2024
Controlling pulse stability in singularly perturbed reaction-diffusion systems
F Veerman, I Schneider
Chaos 33, 083135, 2023
Robust stability of multicomponent membranes: the role of glycolipids
Y Chen, A Doelman, K Promislow, F Veerman
Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 238, 1521-1557, 2020
Up and Beyond-Building a Mountain in the Netherlands
PJ De Andrade Serra, T Fatima, A Fernandez, T Hulshof, T Khaniyev, ...
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