Zibin Chen
Zibin Chen
Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
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Cited by
Ultrahigh piezoelectricity in ferroelectric ceramics by design
F Li, D Lin, Z Chen, Z Cheng, J Wang, CC Li, Z Xu, Q Huang, X Liao, ...
Nature materials 17 (4), 349-354, 2018
Characterizing deformed ultrafine-grained and nanocrystalline materials using transmission Kikuchi diffraction in a scanning electron microscope
PW Trimby, Y Cao, Z Chen, S Han, KJ Hemker, J Lian, X Liao, ...
Acta materialia 62, 69-80, 2014
The mechanism for the enhanced piezoelectricity in multi-elements doped (K,Na)NbO3 ceramics
X Gao, Z Cheng, Z Chen, Y Liu, X Meng, X Zhang, J Wang, Q Guo, B Li, ...
Nature Communications 12 (1), 881, 2021
Hydrogen evolution reaction activity of nickel phosphide is highly sensitive to electrolyte pH
Z Zhou, L Wei, Y Wang, HE Karahan, Z Chen, Y Lei, X Chen, S Zhai, ...
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 5 (38), 20390-20397, 2017
Strong and ductile titanium–oxygen–iron alloys by additive manufacturing
T Song, Z Chen, X Cui, S Lu, H Chen, H Wang, T Dong, B Qin, KC Chan, ...
Nature 618 (7963), 63-68, 2023
Evolution of microstructure and mechanical properties in 2205 duplex stainless steels during additive manufacturing and heat treatment
N Haghdadi, C Ledermueller, H Chen, Z Chen, Q Liu, X Li, G Rohrer, ...
Materials Science and Engineering: A 835, 142695, 2022
Nanocrystalline β-Ti alloy with high hardness, low Young's modulus and excellent in vitro biocompatibility for biomedical applications
KY Xie, Y Wang, Y Zhao, L Chang, G Wang, Z Chen, Y Cao, X Liao, ...
Materials Science and Engineering: C 33 (6), 3530-3536, 2013
Cooperation of Ni and CaO at Interface for CO2 Reforming of CH4: A Combined Theoretical and Experimental Study
P Wu, Y Tao, H Ling, Z Chen, J Ding, X Zeng, X Liao, C Stampfl, J Huang
Acs Catalysis 9 (11), 10060-10069, 2019
Microstructure-property gradients in Ni-based superalloy (Inconel 738) additively manufactured via electron beam powder bed fusion
B Lim, H Chen, Z Chen, N Haghdadi, X Liao, S Primig, SS Babu, AJ Breen, ...
Additive Manufacturing 46, 102121, 2021
Interface-Driven Multiferroicity in Cubic BaTiO3-SrTiO3 Nanocomposites
SE Shirsath, MHN Assadi, J Zhang, N Kumar, AS Gaikwad, J Yang, ...
ACS nano 16 (9), 15413–15424, 2022
Doping process of 2D materials based on the selective migration of dopants to the interface of liquid metals
MB Ghasemian, A Zavabeti, M Mousavi, BJ Murdoch, AJ Christofferson, ...
Advanced Materials 33 (43), 2104793, 2021
Thermal stability, dynamic mechanical analysis and nanoindentation behavior of FeSiB (Cu) amorphous alloys
HR Lashgari, Z Chen, XZ Liao, D Chu, M Ferry, S Li
Materials Science and Engineering: A 626, 480-499, 2015
Review on wear resistance of laser cladding high-entropy alloy coatings
D Xiang, Y Liu, T Yu, D Wang, X Leng, K Wang, L Liu, J Pan, S Yao, ...
Journal of Materials Research and Technology 28, 911-934, 2024
Facilitation of ferroelectric switching via mechanical manipulation of hierarchical nanoscale domain structures
Z Chen, L Hong, F Wang, SP Ringer, LQ Chen, H Luo, X Liao
Physical review letters 118 (1), 017601, 2017
Direct observation of nanoscale dynamics of ferroelectric degradation
Q Huang, Z Chen, MJ Cabral, F Wang, S Zhang, F Li, Y Li, SP Ringer, ...
Nature communications 12 (1), 2095, 2021
On the pitting corrosion of 2205 duplex stainless steel produced by laser powder bed fusion additive manufacturing in the as-built and post-processed conditions
N Haghdadi, M Laleh, H Chen, Z Chen, C Ledermueller, X Liao, S Ringer, ...
Materials & Design 212, 110260, 2021
Milk powder-derived bifunctional oxygen electrocatalysts for rechargeable Zn-air battery
X Chen, L Wei, Y Wang, S Zhai, Z Chen, S Tan, Z Zhou, AK Ng, X Liao, ...
Energy Storage Materials 11, 134-143, 2018
Unravelling the effects of layered supports on Ru nanoparticles for enhancing N2 reduction in photocatalytic ammonia synthesis
H Liu, P Wu, H Li, Z Chen, L Wang, X Zeng, Y Zhu, Y Jiang, X Liao, ...
Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 259, 118026, 2019
Manipulation of nanoscale domain switching using an electron beam with omnidirectional electric field distribution
Z Chen, X Wang, SP Ringer, X Liao
Physical review letters 117 (2), 027601, 2016
Formation of a transition V-rich structure during the α'to α+ β phase transformation process in additively manufactured Ti-6Al-4 V
H Wang, Q Chao, HS Chen, ZB Chen, S Primig, W Xu, SP Ringer, XZ Liao
Acta Materialia 235, 118104, 2022
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Articles 1–20