Georgios Katsoukis
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Cited by
Layered and scrolled nanocomposites with aligned semi-infinite graphene inclusions at the platelet limit
P Liu, Z Jin, G Katsukis, LW Drahushuk, S Shimizu, CJ Shih, ED Wetzel, ...
Science 353 (6297), 364-367, 2016
Epitaxial Growth of PbSe Quantum Dots on MoS2 Nanosheets and their Near‐Infrared Photoresponse
J Schornbaum, B Winter, SP Schießl, F Gannott, G Katsukis, DM Guldi, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 24 (37), 5798-5806, 2014
Linking Photo‐and Redoxactive Phthalocyanines Covalently to Graphene
ME Ragoussi, J Malig, G Katsukis, B Butz, E Spiecker, G de la Torre, ...
Angewandte Chemie-International Edition 51 (26), 6421, 2012
Low dimensional nanocarbons–chemistry and energy/electron transfer reactions
K Dirian, MA Herranz, G Katsukis, J Malig, L Rodríguez-Pérez, ...
Chemical Science 4 (12), 4335-4353, 2013
Electron-donating behavior of few-layer graphene in covalent ensembles with electron-accepting phthalocyanines
ME Ragoussi, G Katsukis, A Roth, J Malig, G de la Torre, DM Guldi, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 136 (12), 4593-4598, 2014
Toward combining graphene and QDs: assembling CdTe QDs to exfoliated graphite and nanographene in water
G Katsukis, J Malig, C Schulz-Drost, S Leubner, N Jux, DM Guldi
ACS nano 6 (3), 1915-1924, 2012
Factors and Dynamics of Cu Nanocrystal Reconstruction under CO2 Reduction
WT Osowiecki, JJ Nussbaum, GA Kamat, G Katsoukis, M Ledendecker, ...
ACS Applied Energy Materials 2 (11), 7744-7749, 2019
Novel nanographene/porphyrin hybrids–preparation, characterization, and application in solar energy conversion schemes
D Kiessling, RD Costa, G Katsukis, J Malig, F Lodermeyer, S Feihl, A Roth, ...
Chemical Science 4 (8), 3085-3098, 2013
Electron-accepting phthalocyanine–pyrene conjugates: towards liquid phase exfoliation of graphite and photoactive nanohybrid formation with graphene
A Roth, ME Ragoussi, L Wibmer, G Katsukis, G de la Torre, T Torres, ...
Chemical Science 5 (9), 3432-3438, 2014
Decorating graphene nanosheets with electron accepting pyridyl-phthalocyanines
L Wibmer, LMO Lourenço, A Roth, G Katsukis, MG Neves, JAS Cavaleiro, ...
Nanoscale 7 (13), 5674-5682, 2015
Control over charge transfer through molecular wires by temperature and chemical structure modifications
M Wielopolski, G de Miguel Rojas, C van der Pol, L Brinkhaus, G Katsukis, ...
ACS nano 4 (11), 6449-6462, 2010
Electroactive carbon nanoforms: a comparative study via sequential arylation and click chemistry reactions
J Mateos-Gil, L Rodríguez-Pérez, MM Oliva, G Katsukis, C Romero-Nieto, ...
Nanoscale 7 (3), 1193-1200, 2015
Tuning the Stability of Graphene Layers by Phthalocyanine‐Based oPPV Oligomers Towards Photo‐and Redoxactive Materials
L Brinkhaus, G Katsukis, J Malig, RD Costa, M Garcia‐Iglesias, ...
Small 9 (13), 2348-2357, 2013
Ultrathin Amorphous Silica Membrane Enhances Proton Transfer across Solid‐to‐Solid Interfaces of Stacked Metal Oxide Nanolayers while Blocking Oxygen
WJ Jo, G Katsoukis, H Frei
Advanced Functional Materials 30 (12), 1909262, 2020
Precise colloidal plasmonic photocatalysts constructed by multistep photodepositions
HD Ha, C Yan, G Katsoukis, GA Kamat, IA Moreno-Hernandez, H Frei, ...
Nano letters 20 (12), 8661-8667, 2020
How indium nitride senses water
V Jovic, S Moser, S Ulstrup, D Goodacre, E Dimakis, R Koch, G Katsoukis, ...
Nano letters 17 (12), 7339-7344, 2017
Interfacing nanocarbons with organic and inorganic semiconductors: from nanocrystals/quantum dots to extended tetrathiafulvalenes
G Katsukis, C Romero-Nieto, J Malig, C Ehli, DM Guldi
Langmuir 28 (32), 11662-11675, 2012
Heterobinuclear light absorber coupled to molecular wire for charge transport across ultrathin silica membrane for artificial photosynthesis
G Katsoukis, H Frei
ACS applied materials & interfaces 10 (37), 31422-31432, 2018
Decorating polyelectrolyte wrapped SWNTs with CdTe quantum dots for solar energy conversion
S Leubner, G Katsukis, DM Guldi
Faraday Discussions 155, 253-265, 2012
Structure and orientation of molecular wires embedded in ultrathin silica membrane for artificial photosynthesis elucidated by polarized FT-IRRAS
G Katsoukis, WJ Jo, H Frei
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 123 (31), 18905-18913, 2019
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Articles 1–20