Mathieu LE NY
Mathieu LE NY
PhD student - Grenoble University
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Cited by
Current distribution identification in fuel cell stacks from external magnetic field measurements
M Le Ny, O Chadebec, G Cauffet, JM Dedulle, Y Bultel, S Rosini, ...
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 49 (5), 1925-1928, 2013
PEMFC stack diagnosis based on external magnetic field measurements
M Le Ny, O Chadebec, G Cauffet, S Rosini, Y Bultel
Journal of Applied Electrochemistry 45 (7), 667-677, 2015
A three dimensional electrical model of PEMFC stack
M Le Ny, O Chadebec, G Cauffet, JM Dedulle, Y Bultel
Fuel Cells 12 (2), 225-238, 2012
Diagnostic non invasif de piles à combustible par mesure du champ magnétique proche
M Le Ny
Grenoble, 2012
Non-Invasive Tools for PEMFC State-of-Health Monitoring: Performances and Reliability
M Le Ny, S Tant, O Chadebec, G Cauffet, PX Thivel, Y Bultel, S Rosini, ...
Fundamentals and Developments of Fuel Cells, 2013
Diagnostic de piles à combustible par mesure du champ magnétique proche
M Le Ny, O Chadebec, G Cauffet, JM Dedulle, Y Bultel, S Rosini, ...
Exploitation de la mesure des champs magnétiques pour le diagnostic des PEMFC
T Hamaz, C Cadet, F Druart, G Cauffet, M Le-Ny
Interest of magnetic field to detect defaults on PEMFC
T Hamaz, C Cadet, F Druart, G Cauffet, M Le-Ny
5th international conference Fundamentals & Development of Fuel Cells (FDFC …, 2013
Interest of magnetic field to detect defaults on PEMFC
T Hamaz, C Cadet, F Druart, G Cauffet, M Le-Ny
5th international conference Fundamentals & Development of Fuel Cells (FDFC …, 2013
A three Dimensional Electrochemical Model of PEMFC Stack.
Y Bultel, M Le Ny, B Moselle, O Chadebec, G Cauffet, JM Dedulle
Fuel cell diagnosis with near magnetic field measurements.
M Le Ny, O Chadebec, G Cauffet, Y Bultel, JM Dedulle, S Rosini
A Three Dimensional Electrical Model of SOFC Stack
M Le-Ny, O Chadebec, G Cauffet, JM Dedulle, Y Bultel
ECS Transactions 35 (1), 903, 2011
A three dimensional model of PEMFC stack
M Le Ny, Y Bultel, O Chadebec, G Cauffet, JM Dedulle
3D model of PEMFC Stack
M Le Ny, Y Bultel, O Chadebec, G Cauffet, JM Dedulle
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Articles 1–14