Meine Pieter van Dijk
Meine Pieter van Dijk
Professor of economics Maastricht School of Management of UM
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Enterprise clusters in developing countries: mechanisms of transition and stagnation
MPV Dijk, A Sverrisson
Entrepreneurship & Regional Development 15 (3), 183-206, 2003
Socio-economic aspects of improved sanitation in slums: a review
JB Isunju, K Schwartz, MA Schouten, WP Johnson, MP van Dijk
Public health 125 (6), 368-376, 2011
The new presence of China in Africa
MP Van Dijk
Amsterdam University Press, 2009
Managing cities in developing countries
MP Van Dijk
Books, 2006
Enterprise clusters and networks in developing countries
MP Van Dijk, R Rabellotti
Routledge, 2005
Flexible Specialization: the dynamics of small-scale industries in the South
PO Pedersen, A Sverrisson, MP Dijk
(No Title), 1994
Clusters facing competition: The importance of external linkages
E Giuliani, R Rabellotti, MP Van Dijk
Global value chains: Linking local producers from developing countries to international markets
J Trienekens, MP van Dijk
Amsterdam University Press, 2011
Sustainability indices as a tool for urban managers, evidence from four medium-sized Chinese cities
MP Van Dijk, Z Mingshun
Environmental impact assessment review 25 (6), 667-688, 2005
Burkina Faso-Le secteur informel de Ouagadougou
P Van Dijik
L'Harmattan, 2000
Flexible specialisation, the new competition and industrial districts
MP Van Dijk
Small Business Economics 7, 15-27, 1995
Economic and financial analysis on rainwater harvesting for agricultural irrigation in the rural areas of Beijing
X Liang, MP van Dijk
Resources, conservation and recycling 55 (11), 1100-1108, 2011
Climate risks and adaptation strategies in the Lower Mekong River basin
RC Bastakoti, J Gupta, MS Babel, MP van Dijk
Regional environmental change 14, 207-219, 2014
Emptying, transportation and disposal of feacal sludge in informal settlements of Kampala Uganda: the economics of sanitation
C Murungi, MP van Dijk
Habitat International 42, 69-75, 2014
Financial and economic feasibility of decentralized wastewater reuse systems in Beijing
X Liang, MP van Dijk
Water science and technology 61 (8), 1965-1973, 2010
Introduction: Exploring a new Approach to Small‐Scale Industry
J Rasmussen, H Schmitz, MP Dijk
IDS bulletin 23 (3), 2-6, 1992
Innovation and small enterprises in the Third World
MP Van Dijk, H Sandee
Edward Elgar Pub., 2002
Government policies with respect to an information technology cluster in Bangalore, India
MP Van Dijk
The European Journal of Development Research 15, 93-108, 2003
Financing sanitation and cost recovery in the slums of Dar es Salaam and Kampala
MP Van Dijk, S Etajak, B Mwalwega, J Ssempebwa
Habitat International 43, 206-213, 2014
The effect of increased private sector involvement in solid waste collection in five cities in Ghana
S Oduro-Kwarteng, MP van Dijk
Waste management & research 31 (10_suppl), 81-92, 2013
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