Ishari  Amarasinghe
Ishari Amarasinghe
PostDoc, Dept. Artificial Intelligence, Faculty of Social Sciences, Radboud University
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An actionable orchestration dashboard to enhance collaboration in the classroom
I Amarasinghe, D Hernández-Leo, K Michos, M Vujovic
IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies 13 (4), 662-675, 2020
Deconstructing orchestration load: comparing teacher support through mirroring and guiding
I Amarasinghe, D Hernández-Leo, H Ulrich Hoppe
International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning 16 (3 …, 2021
Intelligent group formation in computer supported collaborative learning scripts
I Amarasinghe, D Hernández-Leo, A Jonsson
2017 IEEE 17th International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies …, 2017
Data-informed design parameters for adaptive collaborative scripting in across-spaces learning situations
I Amarasinghe, D Hernández-Leo, A Jonsson
User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction 29 (4), 869-892, 2019
Using network analysis to characterize participation and interaction in a citizen science online community
I Amarasinghe, S Manske, HU Hoppe, P Santos, D Hernández-Leo
International Conference on Collaboration Technologies and Social Computing …, 2021
Learning analytics support to teachers' design and orchestrating tasks
I Amarasinghe, K Michos, F Crespi, D Hernández‐Leo
Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 2022
Studying collaboration dynamics in physical learning spaces: Considering the temporal perspective through epistemic network analysis
M Vujovic, I Amarasinghe, D Hernández-Leo
Sensors 21 (9), 2898, 2021
Sustaining continuous collaborative learning flows in MOOCs: orchestration agent approach
I Amarasinghe, D Hernández Leo, K Manathunga, A Jonsson
Journal of Universal Computer Science. 2018; 24 (8): 1034-51, 2018
Surviving and thriving: How changes in teaching modalities influenced student satisfaction before, during and after COVID-19
AO Beltrán, D Hernández-Leo, I Amarasinghe
Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 72-88, 2022
Generative pre-trained transformers for coding text data? An analysis with classroom orchestration data
I Amarasinghe, F Marques, A Ortiz-Beltrán, D Hernández-Leo
European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning, 32-43, 2023
Learning gains in pyramid computer-supported collaboration scripts: factors and implications for design
I Amarasinghe, D Hernández-Leo, E Theophilou, ...
Collaboration Technologies and Social Computing: 27th International …, 2021
Facial muscle anatomy based approach for forensic facial reconstruction in Sri Lanka
RN Rajapakse, AK Madugalla, IU Amarasinghe, VH Padmathilake, ...
International Conference on Advances in ICT for Emerging Regions (ICTer2012 …, 2012
Students’ basic psychological needs satisfaction at the interface level of a computer-supported collaborative learning tool
E Hakami, K El Aadmi-Laamech, L Hakami, P Santos, D Hernández-Leo, ...
International Conference on Collaboration Technologies and Social Computing …, 2022
FaceID: A 3D computer graphic application for forensic medicine: A novel semi-automated muscle based digital sculpting initiative for forensic facial reconstruction in Sri Lanka
AK Madugalla, RN Rajapakse, IU Amarasinghe, VH Padmathilake, ...
2013 International conference on computer medical applications (ICCMA), 1-6, 2013
The effect of a group awareness tool in synchronous online discussions: studying participation, quality and balance
E Theophilou, R Sanchez-Reina, D Hernandez-Leo, V Odakura, ...
Behaviour & Information Technology 43 (6), 1149-1163, 2024
Using process mining techniques to discover the collective behaviour of educators in a learning community platform
O Esteban Bajo, I Amarasinghe, NF Gutiérrez-Páez, D Hernández-Leo
International Conference on Collaboration Technologies and Social Computing …, 2022
Adaptive orchestration of scripted collaborative learning in MOOCs
I Amarasinghe, D Hernández-Leo
Transforming Learning with Meaningful Technologies: 14th European Conference …, 2019
Does volunteer engagement pay off? an analysis of user participation in online citizen science projects
S Krukowski, I Amarasinghe, NF Gutiérrez-Páez, HU Hoppe
International Conference on Collaboration Technologies and Social Computing …, 2022
Scenario for Analysing Student Interactions and Orchestration Load in Collaborative and Hybrid Learning Environments
A Carruana Martín, A Ortega-Arranz, C Alario-Hoyos, I Amarasinghe, ...
International Conference on Collaboration Technologies and Social Computing …, 2022
Estimating orchestration load in CSCL situations using EDA
F Crespi, I Amarasinghe, M Vujovic, D Hernández-Leo
2022 international conference on advanced learning technologies (icalt), 128-132, 2022
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