Kristof Jacobs
Kristof Jacobs
Associate Professor at Radboud University Nijmegen (NL), Institute for Management Research
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Populist attitudes, political trust, and external political efficacy: Old wine in new bottles?
B Geurkink, A Zaslove, R Sluiter, K Jacobs
Political Studies 68 (1), 247-267, 2020
Getting personal? The impact of social media on preferential voting
N Spierings, K Jacobs
Political Behavior 36, 215-234, 2014
Social media, parties, and political inequalities
K Jacobs, N Spierings
Palgrave Macmillan, 2016
Power to the people? Populism, democracy, and political participation: a citizen's perspective
A Zaslove, B Geurkink, K Jacobs, A Akkerman
West European Politics 44 (4), 727-751, 2021
A conceptual framework for major, minor, and technical electoral reform
K Jacobs, M Leyenaar
Understanding Electoral Reform, 59-77, 2014
A populist paradise? Examining populists’ Twitter adoption and use
K Jacobs, N Spierings
Information, Communication & Society 22 (12), 1681-1696, 2019
The voice of populist people? Referendum preferences, practices and populist attitudes
K Jacobs, A Akkerman, A Zaslove
Acta Politica 53 (4), 517-541, 2018
Twitter and Facebook: Populists’ double-barreled gun?
K Jacobs, L Sandberg, N Spierings
New media & society 22 (4), 611-633, 2020
District magnitude and voter turnout a multi-level analysis of self-reported voting in the 32 Dominican Republic districts
K Jacobs, N Spierings
Electoral Studies 29 (4), 704-718, 2010
Political parties and social media campaigning: A qualitative comparative analysis of parties’ professional Facebook and Twitter use in the 2010 and 2012 Dutch elections
N Spierings, K Jacobs
Acta Politica 54, 145-173, 2019
Catalysts and barriers: Explaining electoral reform in Western Europe
L Nunez, KTE Jacobs
European Journal of Political Research 55 (3), 454-473, 2016
Keeping an eye on the people: Who has access to MPs on Twitter?
N Spierings, K Jacobs, N Linders
Social science computer review 37 (2), 160-177, 2019
The power or the people
K Jacobs
Direct Democratic and Electoral reform in Austria, Belgium, and The …, 2011
Explaining the size of assemblies. A longitudinal analysis of the design and reform of assembly sizes in democracies around the world
K Jacobs, S Otjes
Electoral Studies 40, 280-292, 2015
Are Populists Sore Losers? Explaining Populist Citizens' Preferences for and Reactions to Referendums
H Werner, K Jacobs
British Journal of Political Science, 1-9, 2021
Determinanten van voorkeurstemproporties bij (sub-) lokale verkiezingen: De Antwerpse districtsraadsverkiezingen van 8 oktober 2000
P Thijssen, K Jacobs
Res Publica 46 (4), 2004
Saturation or maturation? The diffusion of Twitter and its impact on preference voting in the Dutch general elections of 2010 and 2012
K Jacobs, N Spierings
Journal of Information Technology & Politics 13 (1), 1-21, 2016
Dutch parliamentary election study 2021 (DPES/NKO 2021)
KTE Jacobs, M Lubbers, T Sipma, N Spierings, TWG Van der Meer
Referendums in times of discontent: The Dutch 2016 referendum in a comparative perspective
K Jacobs
Acta Politica 53, 489-495, 2018
Het Oekraine-referendum. Nationaal Referendumonderzoek 2016
KTE Jacobs, M Klingeren, H Kolk, TWG van der Meer, E Steenvoorden
Den Haag: Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken, 2016
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