Some unpleasant monetarist arithmetic TJ Sargent, N Wallace Federal reserve bank of minneapolis quarterly review 5 (3), 1-17, 1981 | 4753 | 1981 |
" Rational" Expectations, the Optimal Monetary Instrument, and the Optimal Money Supply Rule TJ Sargent, N Wallace Journal of political economy 83 (2), 241-254, 1975 | 3561 | 1975 |
Rational expectations and the theory of economic policy TJ Sargent, N Wallace Journal of Monetary economics 2 (2), 169-183, 1976 | 1344 | 1976 |
A Modigliani-Miller theorem for open-market operations N Wallace The American Economic Review 71 (3), 267-274, 1981 | 806 | 1981 |
Deposit insurance and bank regulation: A partial-equilibrium exposition JH Kareken, N Wallace Journal of business, 413-438, 1978 | 793 | 1978 |
Rational expectations and the dynamics of hyperinflation TJ Sargent, N Wallace International economic review, 328-350, 1973 | 756 | 1973 |
The Overlapping Generations Model of Fiat Money N Wallace Models of Monetary Economics/Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, 1980 | 727 | 1980 |
On the indeterminacy of equilibrium exchange rates J Kareken, N Wallace The Quarterly Journal of Economics 96 (2), 207-222, 1981 | 688 | 1981 |
Another attempt to explain an llliquid banking system: With sequential service taken seriously N Wallace Federal Reserve Bank Minneapolis Quarterly Review, 3-15, 1988 | 547 | 1988 |
The stability of models of money and growth with perfect foresight TJ Sargent, N Wallace Econometrica: Journal of the Econometric Society, 1043-1048, 1973 | 505 | 1973 |
The real-bills doctrine versus the quantity theory: A reconsideration TJ Sargent, N Wallace Journal of Political economy 90 (6), 1212-1236, 1982 | 463 | 1982 |
Theoretical analysis regarding a zero lower bound on nominal interest rates BT McCallum National bureau of economic research, 2000 | 444 | 2000 |
Whither monetary economics? N Wallace International Economic Review 42 (4), 847-869, 2001 | 329 | 2001 |
A legal restrictions theory of the demand for\\" money\\" and the role of monetary policy N Wallace Quarterly Review 7 (Win), 1983 | 319 | 1983 |
Some unpleasant monetarist arithmetic TJ Sargent, N Wallace Monetarism in the United Kingdom, 15-41, 1984 | 317 | 1984 |
Inside and outside money as alternative media of exchange RO Cavalcanti, N Wallace Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 443-457, 1999 | 285 | 1999 |
A model of private bank-note issue RO Cavalcanti, N Wallace Review of Economic Dynamics 2 (1), 104-136, 1999 | 214 | 1999 |
Incomplete record-keeping and optimal payment arrangements N Kocherlakota, N Wallace Journal of Economic Theory 81 (2), 272-289, 1998 | 209 | 1998 |
A banking model in which partial suspension is best N Wallace Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis. Quarterly Review-Federal Reserve Bank …, 1990 | 202 | 1990 |
Coexistence of money and interest-bearing securities SR Aiyagari, N Wallace, R Wright Journal of Monetary Economics 37 (3), 397-419, 1996 | 176 | 1996 |