Marcel Hülsbeck
Marcel Hülsbeck
University of applied Sciences Munich
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Regional competitiveness, university spillovers, and entrepreneurial activity
DB Audretsch, M Hülsbeck, EE Lehmann
Small business economics 39, 587-601, 2012
Performance of technology transfer offices in Germany
M Hülsbeck, EE Lehmann, A Starnecker
The journal of technology transfer 38, 199-215, 2013
Business model innovation through dynamic capabilities in small and medium enterprises–Evidence from the German Mittelstand
A Heider, M Gerken, N van Dinther, M Hülsbeck
Journal of Business Research 130, 635-645, 2021
Families as active monitors of firm performance
DB Audretsch, M Hülsbeck, EE Lehmann
Journal of Family Business Strategy 4 (2), 118-130, 2013
SMES’reluctance to embrace corporate sustainability: The effect of stakeholder pressure on self-determination and the role of social proximity
RA Ernst, M Gerken, A Hack, M Hülsbeck
Journal of cleaner production 335, 130273, 2022
Regional knowledge production as determinant of high-technology entrepreneurship: empirical evidence for Germany
M Hülsbeck, EN Pickavé
International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 1-18, 2012
Business model innovation in family firms: dynamic capabilities and the moderating role of socioemotional wealth
V Weimann, M Gerken, M Hülsbeck
Journal of Business Economics 90 (3), 369-399, 2020
Family firms as agents of sustainable development: A normative perspective
RA Ernst, M Gerken, A Hack, M Hülsbeck
Technological Forecasting and Social Change 174, 121135, 2022
One for all, all for one: A mutual gains perspective on HRM and innovation management practices in family firms
E Rondi, R Überbacher, L von Schlenk-Barnsdorf, A De Massis, ...
Journal of Family Business Strategy 13 (2), 100394, 2022
The role of family firm specific resources in innovation: an integrative literature review and framework
A Heider, M Hülsbeck, L von Schlenk-Barnsdorf
Management Review Quarterly 72 (2), 483-530, 2022
The board value protection function in young, mature and family firms
M Hülsbeck, M Meoli, S Vismara
British Journal of Management 30 (2), 437-458, 2019
Validating the FIBER scale to measure family firm heterogeneity–A replication study with extensions
M Gerken, M Hülsbeck, T Ostermann, A Hack
Journal of Family Business Strategy 13 (4), 100497, 2022
Old flames never die–the role of binding social ties for corporate entrepreneurship in family firms
V Weimann, M Gerken, M Hülsbeck
International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal 17 (4), 1707-1730, 2021
Innovationsverhalten in Familienunternehmen
M Hülsbeck, EE Lehmann, D Weiß, K Wirsching
Wissenstransfer deutscher Universitäten: Eine empirische Analyse von Universitätspatenten
M Hülsbeck
Gabler Verlag, 2011
11 Entrepreneurship policy in Bavaria: between laptop and lederhosen
M Hülsbeck, EE Lehmann
Handbook of research on entrepreneurship policy, 200, 2013
German university patenting and licensing: does policy matter?
M Huelsbeck, D Menno
Paper for the 2nd Annual Conference of the EPIP Association, 2007
Blood is thicker than water: The role of family willingness and family ability in achieving holistic digitalisation in family businesses
AK Heider, T Clauss, M HÜLSBECK, M Gerken, TOMA RÜSEN
International Journal of Innovation Management 26 (03), 2240009, 2022
Projektmanagement nach DIN ISO 21500: 2016-02
S Benkhofer, W Esswein, M Hülsbeck, T Krippendorff, P Liebens, ...
Schäffer-Poeschel, 2019
Academic entrepreneurship and board formation in science-based firms
M Hülsbeck, EE Lehmann
Economics of Innovation and New Technology 21 (5-6), 547-565, 2012
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