Patricia Lago
Patricia Lago
Full Professor, S2 Group, Dept. Computer Science, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
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Building up and reasoning about architectural knowledge
P Kruchten, P Lago, H Van Vliet
International conference on the quality of software architectures, 43-58, 2006
Research on Architecting Microservices: Trends, Focus, and Potential for Industrial Adoption
P Di Francesco, I Malavolta, P Lago
Proceedings of the 14th IEEE International Conference on Software …, 2017
What Industry Needs from Architectural Languages: A Survey
I Malavolta, P Lago, H Muccini, P Pelliccione, A Tang
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 25, 2012
Architecting with microservices: A systematic mapping study
P Di Francesco, P Lago, I Malavolta
Journal of Systems and Software 150, 77-97, 2019
Migrating towards microservice architectures: an industrial survey
P Di Francesco, P Lago, I Malavolta
2018 IEEE international conference on software architecture (ICSA), 29-2909, 2018
Framing sustainability as a property of software quality
P Lago, SA Koçak, I Crnkovic, B Penzenstadler
Communications of the ACM 58 (10), 70-78, 2015
Software architecture knowledge management
MA Babar, T Dingsøyr, P Lago, H Van Vliet
Springer, 2009
Characteristics of open source projects
A Capiluppi, P Lago, M Morisio
Seventh European Conference onSoftware Maintenance and Reengineering, 2003 …, 2003
Social debt in software engineering: insights from industry
DA Tamburri, P Kruchten, P Lago, H Vliet
Journal of Internet Services and Applications 6, 1-17, 2015
Exploring service-oriented system engineering challenges: a systematic literature review
Q Gu, P Lago
Service Oriented Computing and Applications 3, 171-188, 2009
A systematic literature review on green software metrics
P Bozzelli, Q Gu, P Lago
VU University, Amsterdam, 2013
What is social debt in software engineering?
DA Tamburri, P Kruchten, P Lago, H van Vliet
2013 6th International Workshop on Cooperative and Human Aspects of Software …, 2013
Organizational social structures for software engineering
DA Tamburri, P Lago, H Vliet
ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR) 46 (1), 1-35, 2013
Characterizing the Contribution of Quality Requirements to Software Sustainability
N Condori-Fernandez, P Lago
Journal of Systems and Software 137 (3), 89-305, 2018
A stakeholder-driven service life cycle model for SOA
Q Gu, P Lago
2nd international workshop on Service oriented software engineering: in …, 2007
Architectural knowledge: Getting to the core
RC de Boer, R Farenhorst, P Lago, H van Vliet, V Clerc, A Jansen
Software Architectures, Components, and Applications: Third International …, 2007
Eliciting software process models with the E3 language
ML Jaccheri, GP Picco, P Lago
ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology (TOSEM) 7 (4), 368-410, 1998
Explicit assumptions enrich architectural models
P Lago, H Van Vliet
Proceedings of the 27th international conference on Software engineering …, 2005
A scoped approach to traceability management
P Lago, H Muccini, H Van Vliet
Journal of Systems and Software 82 (1), 168-182, 2009
Architectural knowledge and rationale: issues, trends, challenges
P Avgeriou, P Kruchten, P Lago, P Grisham, D Perry
ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes 32 (4), 41-46, 2007
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Articles 1–20