Pepijn W. H. Pinkse
Pepijn W. H. Pinkse
Professor of Applied Physics, University of Twente
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Trapping an atom with single photons
PWH Pinkse, T Fischer, P Maunz, G Rempe
Nature 404 (6776), 365-368, 2000
Cavity cooling of a single atom
P Maunz, T Puppe, I Schuster, N Syassen, PWH Pinkse, G Rempe
Nature 428 (6978), 50-52, 2004
Roadmap on optical security
B Javidi, A Carnicer, M Yamaguchi, T Nomura, E Pérez-Cabré, MS Millán, ...
Journal of Optics 18 (8), 083001, 2016
Continuous source of translationally cold dipolar molecules
SA Rangwala, T Junglen, T Rieger, PWH Pinkse, G Rempe
Physical Review A 67 (4), 043406, 2003
Nonlinear spectroscopy of photons bound to one atom
I Schuster, A Kubanek, A Fuhrmanek, T Puppe, PWH Pinkse, K Murr, ...
Nature Physics 4 (5), 382-385, 2008
Dynamics of single-atom motion observed in a high-finesse cavity
P Münstermann, T Fischer, P Maunz, PWH Pinkse, G Rempe
Physical review letters 82 (19), 3791, 1999
Normal-mode spectroscopy of a single-bound-atom–cavity system
P Maunz, T Puppe, I Schuster, N Syassen, PWH Pinkse, G Rempe
Physical review letters 94 (3), 033002, 2005
Adiabatically changing the phase-space density of a trapped Bose gas
PWH Pinkse, A Mosk, M Weidemüller, MW Reynolds, TW Hijmans, ...
Physical Review Letters 78 (6), 990, 1997
Quantum-secure authentication of a physical unclonable key
SA Goorden, M Horstmann, AP Mosk, B Škorić, PWH Pinkse
Optica 1 (6), 421-424, 2014
Two-photon gateway in one-atom cavity quantum electrodynamics
A Kubanek, A Ourjoumtsev, I Schuster, M Koch, PWH Pinkse, K Murr, ...
Physical Review Letters 101 (20), 203602, 2008
8× 8 reconfigurable quantum photonic processor based on silicon nitride waveguides
C Taballione, TAW Wolterink, J Lugani, A Eckstein, BA Bell, R Grootjans, ...
Optics express 27 (19), 26842-26857, 2019
Continuous loading of an electrostatic trap for polar molecules
T Rieger, T Junglen, SA Rangwala, PWH Pinkse, G Rempe
Physical review letters 95 (17), 173002, 2005
Electrostatic extraction of cold molecules from a cryogenic reservoir
LD van Buuren, C Sommer, M Motsch, S Pohle, M Schenk, J Bayerl, ...
Physical Review Letters 102 (3), 033001, 2009
Feedback on the motion of a single atom in an optical cavity
T Fischer, P Maunz, PWH Pinkse, T Puppe, G Rempe
Physical review letters 88 (16), 163002, 2002
Single slow atoms from an atomic fountain observed in a high-finesse optical cavity
P Münstermann, T Fischer, PWH Pinkse, G Rempe
Optics communications 159 (1-3), 63-67, 1999
Two-dimensional trapping of dipolar molecules in time-varying electric fields
T Junglen, T Rieger, SA Rangwala, PWH Pinkse, G Rempe
Physical review letters 92 (22), 223001, 2004
Observation of squeezed light from one atom excited with two photons
A Ourjoumtsev, A Kubanek, M Koch, C Sames, PWH Pinkse, G Rempe, ...
Nature 474 (7353), 623-626, 2011
Photon-by-photon feedback control of a single-atom trajectory
A Kubanek, M Koch, C Sames, A Ourjoumtsev, PWH Pinkse, K Murr, ...
Nature 462 (7275), 898-901, 2009
A universal fully reconfigurable 12-mode quantum photonic processor
C Taballione, R van der Meer, HJ Snijders, P Hooijschuur, JP Epping, ...
Materials for Quantum Technology 1 (3), 035002, 2021
Trapping and observing single atoms in a blue-detuned intracavity dipole trap
T Puppe, I Schuster, A Grothe, A Kubanek, K Murr, PWH Pinkse, G Rempe
Physical Review Letters 99 (1), 013002, 2007
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Articles 1–20