Abhinav Maurya
Abhinav Maurya
Research Data Scientist, Google
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Kyun Queue: A Sensor Network System To Monitor Road Traffic Queues
R Sen, A Maurya, B Raman, R Mehta, R Kalyanaraman, N Vankadhara, ...
Proceedings of the 10th ACM Conference on Embedded Network Sensor Systems, 2012, 2012
Personalized data-driven skill recommendations and skill gap prediction
A Maurya, R Telang, SS Selvaganesan
US Patent App. 15/051,551, 2017
Bayesian optimization for predicting rare internal failures in manufacturing processes
A Maurya
Big Data (Big Data), 2016 IEEE International Conference on, 2036-2045, 2016
Semantic scan: detecting subtle, spatially localized events in text streams
A Maurya, K Murray, Y Liu, C Dyer, WW Cohen, DB Neill
arXiv preprint arXiv:1602.04393, 2016
Bayesian multi-view models for member-job matching and personalized skill recommendations
A Maurya, R Telang
2017 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data), 1193-1202, 2017
Optimizing predictive precision in imbalanced datasets for actionable revenue change prediction
PD Mahajan, A Maurya, A Megahed, A Elwany, R Strong, J Blomberg
European Journal of Operational Research 285 (3), 1095-1113, 2020
Road-RFSense: A Practical RF Sensing--Based Road Traffic Estimation System for Developing Regions
R Sen, A Maurya, B Raman, R Mehta, R Kalyanaraman, A Singh
ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks (TOSN) 11 (1), 1-32, 2014
Understanding Job-Skill Relationships using Big Data and Neural Networks
A Maurya
Bloomberg Data For Good Exchange 2018, 2018
Optimizing predictive precision for actionable forecasts of revenue change
JL Blomberg, A Maurya, A Megahed, HR Strong
US Patent 11,055,730, 2018
A Lens into Employee Peer Reviews via Sentiment-Aspect Modeling
A Maurya, L Akoglu, R Krishnan, D Bay
ASONAM 2018, 2018
Contrastive Structured Anomaly Detection for Gaussian Graphical Models
A Maurya, M Cheung
ICML 2016 Workshop on Anomaly Detection, 2016
Systems, methods, and apparatuses for predicting availability of a resource
A Maurya, P Cholewinski, K Bulbul, JD Dunagan
US Patent 11,245,640, 2022
Optimization-based pool protection for a cloud provider network
A Maurya
US Patent 11,470,144, 2021
IEEE Big Data 2017 Panel Discussion on Bias and Transparency
A Maurya
AI Matters 4 (2), 2018
Incorporating Visual Features of Product Images in Price Prediction: A Deep Learning Approach
A Maurya
An Overview of the Evolutionary Trends in Molecular Computing using DNA
A Maurya, A Nair, S Sanyal
VJTI Mumbai, 2011
Predicting true demand of network services with usage constraints
A Maurya, AC Becker
US Patent 11,816,612, 2023
Predicting ledger revenue change behavior of clients receiving services
JL Blomberg, A Maurya, A Megahed, HR Strong Jr
US Patent 11,062,334, 2018
Spatial Semantic Scan: Jointly Detecting Subtle Events and their Spatial Footprint
A Maurya
arXiv preprint arXiv:1511.00352, 2015
Understanding Human-AI Work Collaboration using a Randomized Field Study
A Maurya, S Kekre, R Telang
ACM Collective Intelligence, 2019
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Articles 1–20