Michael Remo Palmén Ragazzon
Michael Remo Palmén Ragazzon
Postdoc. at the Dept. Engineering Cybernetics, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
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A review of demodulation techniques for amplitude-modulation atomic force microscopy
MG Ruppert, DM Harcombe, MRP Ragazzon, SOR Moheimani, ...
Beilstein journal of nanotechnology 8 (1), 1407-1426, 2017
On Implementation of the Preisach Model: Identification and Inversion for Hysteresis Compensation
JĹ Stakvik, MRP Ragazzon, AA Eielsen, JT Gravdahl
Modeling, Identification and Control 36 (3), 133-142, 2015
Lyapunov estimator for high-speed demodulation in dynamic mode atomic force microscopy
MRP Ragazzon, MG Ruppert, DM Harcombe, AJ Fleming, JT Gravdahl
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 26 (2), 765-772, 2017
On amplitude estimation for high-speed atomic force microscopy
MRP Ragazzon, JT Gravdahl, AJ Fleming
2016 American Control Conference (ACC), 2635-2642, 2016
Lyapunov estimation for high-speed demodulation in multifrequency atomic force microscopy
DM Harcombe, MG Ruppert, MRP Ragazzon, AJ Fleming
Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology 9 (1), 490-498, 2018
Higher-harmonic AFM imaging with a high-bandwidth multifrequency Lyapunov filter
DM Harcombe, MG Ruppert, MRP Ragazzon, AJ Fleming
2017 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM …, 2017
Topography and force imaging in atomic force microscopy by state and parameter estimation
MRP Ragazzon, JT Gravdahl, KY Pettersen, AA Eielsen
2015 American Control Conference (ACC), 3496-3502, 2015
Viscoelastic properties of cells: Modeling and identification by atomic force microscopy
MRP Ragazzon, JT Gravdahl, M Vagia
Mechatronics 50, 271-281, 2018
Cell mechanics modeling and identification by atomic force microscopy
MRP Ragazzon, M Vagia, JT Gravdahl
IFAC-PapersOnLine 49 (21), 603-610, 2016
Model-based identification of nanomechanical properties in atomic force microscopy: Theory and experiments
MRP Ragazzon, JT Gravdahl, KY Pettersen
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 27 (5), 2045-2057, 2018
Analysis of pi-control for atomic force microscopy in contact mode
S Messineo, MRP Ragazzon, F Busnelli, JT Gravdahl
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 30 (4), 1681-1695, 2021
Robot Manipulator Collision Handling in Unknown Environment without using External Sensors
MRP Ragazzon
Norwegian University of Science and Technology, 2012
Exponential convergence bounds in least squares estimation: Identification of viscoelastic properties in atomic force microscopy
MRP Ragazzon, JT Gravdahl, KY Pettersen
2017 IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications (CCTA), 687-694, 2017
Frequency domain analysis of robust demodulators for high-speed atomic force microscopy
MG Ruppert, DM Harcombe, MRP Ragazzon, SOR Moheimani, ...
2017 American Control Conference (ACC), 1562-1567, 2017
Imaging topography and viscoelastic properties by constant depth atomic force microscopy
MRP Ragazzon, JT Gravdahl
2016 IEEE Conference on Control Applications (CCA), 923-928, 2016
H∞ Reduced Order Control for Nanopositioning: Numerical Implementability
MRP Ragazzon, AA Eielsen, JT Gravdahl
19th IFAC World Congress, Proceedings of the 19 (1), 6862-6869, 2014
The Generalized Lyapunov Demodulator: High-Bandwidth, Low-Noise Amplitude and Phase Estimation
MRP Ragazzon, S Messineo, JT Gravdahl, DM Harcombe, MG Ruppert
IEEE Open Journal of Control Systems 1, 69-84, 2022
Fractional-order Control: Nyquist Constrained Optimization
AH Moltumyr, MRP Ragazzon, JT Gravdahl
IFAC-PapersOnLine 53 (2), 8605-8612, 2020
Generalized Lyapunov demodulator for amplitude and phase estimation by the internal model principle
MRP Ragazzon, S Messineo, JT Gravdahl, DM Harcombe, MG Ruppert
IFAC-PapersOnLine 52 (15), 247-252, 2019
Parameter estimation in atomic force microscopy: Nanomechanical properties and high-speed demodulation
MRP Ragazzon
NTNU, 2018
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