Takahiro Osada
Takahiro Osada
Juntendo University School of Medicine, Department of Neurophysiology
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Functional magnetic resonance imaging of macaque monkeys performing visually guided saccade tasks: comparison of cortical eye fields with humans
M Koyama, I Hasegawa, T Osada, Y Adachi, K Nakahara, Y Miyashita
Neuron 41 (5), 795-807, 2004
Functional connectivity between anatomically unconnected areas is shaped by collective network-level effects in the macaque cortex
Y Adachi, T Osada, O Sporns, T Watanabe, T Matsui, K Miyamoto, ...
Cerebral cortex 22 (7), 1586-1592, 2012
Causal neural network of metamemory for retrospection in primates
K Miyamoto, T Osada, R Setsuie, M Takeda, K Tamura, Y Adachi, ...
Science 355 (6321), 188-193, 2017
Advantages of using both voxel-and surface-based morphometry in cortical morphology analysis: a review of various applications
M Goto, O Abe, A Hagiwara, S Fujita, K Kamagata, M Hori, S Aoki, ...
Magnetic Resonance in Medical Sciences 21 (1), 41-57, 2022
Direct comparison of spontaneous functional connectivity and effective connectivity measured by intracortical microstimulation: an fMRI study in macaque monkeys
T Matsui, K Tamura, KW Koyano, D Takeuchi, Y Adachi, T Osada, ...
Cerebral Cortex 21 (10), 2348-2356, 2011
An essential role of the intraparietal sulcus in response inhibition predicted by parcellation-based network
T Osada, S Ohta, A Ogawa, M Tanaka, A Suda, K Kamagata, M Hori, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 39 (13), 2509-2521, 2019
Intrasulcal electrocorticography in macaque monkeys with minimally invasive neurosurgical protocols
T Matsuo, K Kawasaki, T Osada, H Sawahata, T Suzuki, M Shibata, ...
Frontiers in systems neuroscience 5, 34, 2011
Reversible silencing of the frontopolar cortex selectively impairs metacognitive judgment on non-experience in primates
K Miyamoto, R Setsuie, T Osada, Y Miyashita
Neuron 97 (4), 980-989. e6, 2018
Towards understanding of the cortical network underlying associative memory
T Osada, Y Adachi, HM Kimura, Y Miyashita
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 363 …, 2008
Lateral–medial dissociation in orbitofrontal cortex–hypothalamus connectivity
S Hirose, T Osada, A Ogawa, M Tanaka, H Wada, Y Yoshizawa, Y Imai, ...
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10, 244, 2016
Functional organization for response inhibition in the right inferior frontal cortex of individual human brains
A Suda, T Osada, A Ogawa, M Tanaka, K Kamagata, S Aoki, N Hattori, ...
Cerebral Cortex 30 (12), 6325-6335, 2020
Functional differentiation of memory retrieval network in macaque posterior parietal cortex
K Miyamoto, T Osada, Y Adachi, T Matsui, HM Kimura, Y Miyashita
Neuron 77 (4), 787-799, 2013
A causal role of anterior prefrontal-putamen circuit for response inhibition revealed by transcranial ultrasound stimulation in humans
K Nakajima, T Osada, A Ogawa, M Tanaka, S Oka, K Kamagata, S Aoki, ...
Cell Reports 40 (7), 2022
Functional subdivisions of the hypothalamus using areal parcellation and their signal changes related to glucose metabolism
T Osada, R Suzuki, A Ogawa, M Tanaka, M Hori, S Aoki, Y Tamura, ...
Neuroimage 162, 1-12, 2017
Exploring the neural basis of cognition: multi-modal links between human fMRI and macaque neurophysiology
K Nakahara, Y Adachi, T Osada, Y Miyashita
Trends in cognitive sciences 11 (2), 84-92, 2007
FMRI activity in the macaque cerebellum evoked by intracortical microstimulation of the primary somatosensory cortex: evidence for polysynaptic propagation
T Matsui, KW Koyano, K Tamura, T Osada, Y Adachi, K Miyamoto, ...
PLoS One 7 (10), e47515, 2012
Parallel cognitive processing streams in human prefrontal cortex: Parsing areal-level brain network for response inhibition
T Osada, A Ogawa, A Suda, K Nakajima, M Tanaka, S Oka, K Kamagata, ...
Cell reports 36 (12), 2021
Striatal subdivisions that coherently interact with multiple cerebrocortical networks
A Ogawa, T Osada, M Tanaka, M Hori, S Aoki, A Nikolaidis, MP Milham, ...
Human brain mapping 39 (11), 4349-4359, 2018
Dissociable memory traces within the macaque medial temporal lobe predict subsequent recognition performance
K Miyamoto, Y Adachi, T Osada, T Watanabe, HM Kimura, R Setsuie, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 34 (5), 1988-1997, 2014
Dynamically allocated hub in task-evoked network predicts the vulnerable prefrontal locus for contextual memory retrieval in macaques
T Osada, Y Adachi, K Miyamoto, K Jimura, R Setsuie, Y Miyashita
PLoS biology 13 (6), e1002177, 2015
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Articles 1–20