Thomas Pichler
Thomas Pichler
Professor, University of Vienna, Faculty of Physics, Electronic Properties of Materials
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The doping of carbon nanotubes with nitrogen and their potential applications
P Ayala, R Arenal, M Rümmeli, A Rubio, T Pichler
Carbon 48 (3), 575-586, 2010
Localized and Delocalized Electronic States in Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes
T Pichler, M Knupfer, M Golden, J Fink, A Rinzler, R Smalley
Physical Review Letters 80 (21), 4729, 1998
Resonance Raman and Infrared-spectroscopy of Carbon Nanotubues
J Kastner, T Pichler, H Kuzmany, S Curran, W Blau, DN Weldon, ...
Chemical Physics Letters 221, 53-58, 1994
Confined linear carbon chains as a route to bulk carbyne
L Shi, P Rohringer, K Suenaga, Y Niimi, J Kotakoski, JC Meyer, H Peterlik, ...
Nature materials 15 (6), 634-639, 2016
X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy of graphitic carbon nanomaterials doped with heteroatoms
T Susi, T Pichler, P Ayala
Beilstein journal of nanotechnology 6 (1), 177-192, 2015
Tunable band gap in hydrogenated quasi-free-standing graphene
D Haberer, DV Vyalikh, S Taioli, B Dora, M Farjam, J Fink, D Marchenko, ...
Nano letters 10 (9), 3360-3366, 2010
Subnanometer motion of cargoes driven by thermal gradients along carbon nanotubes
A Barreiro, R Rurali, ER Hernandez, J Moser, T Pichler, L Forro, ...
Science 320 (5877), 775-778, 2008
Functionalization of carbon nanotubes
H Kuzmany, A Kukovecz, F Simon, M Holzweber, C Kramberger, T Pichler
Synthetic Metals 141 (1-2), 113-122, 2004
Determination of SWCNT diameters from the Raman response of the radial breathing mode
H Kuzmany, W Plank, M Hulman, C Kramberger, A Gruneis, T Pichler, ...
European Physical Journal B 22, 307-320, 2001
Tight-binding description of the quasiparticle dispersion of graphite and few-layer graphene
A Grüneis, C Attaccalite, L Wirtz, H Shiozawa, R Saito, T Pichler, A Rubio
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 78 (20), 205425, 2008
The physical and chemical properties of heteronanotubes
P Ayala, R Arenal, A Loiseau, A Rubio, T Pichler
Reviews of modern physics 82 (2), 1843-1885, 2010
Diameter grouping in bulk samples of single-walled carbon nanotubes from optical absorption spectroscopy
O Jost, AA Gorbunov, W Pompe, T Pichler, R Friedlein, M Knupfer, ...
Applied Physics Letters 75 (15), 2217-2219, 1999
Linear Plasmon Dispersion in Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes<? format?> and the Collective Excitation Spectrum of Graphene
C Kramberger, R Hambach, C Giorgetti, MH Rümmeli, M Knupfer, J Fink, ...
Physical review letters 100 (19), 196803, 2008
Detailed analysis of the mean diameter and diameter distribution of single-wall carbon nanotubes from their optical response
X Liu, T Pichler, M Knupfer, MS Golden, J Fink, H Kataura, Y Achiba
Physical review B 66 (4), 045411, 2002
A catalytic reaction inside a single‐walled carbon nanotube
H Shiozawa, T Pichler, A Grüneis, R Pfeiffer, H Kuzmany, Z Liu, ...
Advanced Materials 20 (8), 1443-1449, 2008
Unusual High Degree of Unperturbed Environment in the Interior<? format?> of Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes
R Pfeiffer, H Kuzmany, C Kramberger, C Schaman, T Pichler, H Kataura, ...
Physical review letters 90 (22), 225501, 2003
Metallic Polymers of Inside Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes
T Pichler, H Kuzmany, H Kataura, Y Achiba
Physical Review Letters 87 (26), 267401, 2001
Nanofibrous and graphene-templated conjugated microporous polymer materials for flexible chemosensors and supercapacitors
K Yuan, P Guo-Wang, T Hu, L Shi, R Zeng, M Forster, T Pichler, Y Chen, ...
Chemistry of Materials 27 (21), 7403-7411, 2015
Transition from a Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid to a Fermi liquid in potassium-intercalated bundles of single-wall carbon nanotubes
H Rauf, T Pichler, M Knupfer, J Fink, H Kataura
Physical review letters 93 (9), 096805, 2004
Anisotropy and interplane interactions in the dielectric response of graphite
AG Marinopoulos, L Reining, V Olevano, A Rubio, T Pichler, X Liu, ...
Physical review letters 89 (7), 076402, 2002
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