Sandra van Thiel
Sandra van Thiel
Professor Public Management
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The performance paradox in the public sector
S Van Thiel, FL Leeuw
Public performance & management review 25 (3), 267-281, 2002
New public management in Europe
C Pollitt, S Van Thiel, V Homburg
Palgrave Macmillan, 2007
Bestuurskundig onderzoek: een methodologische inleiding
S Thiel
Bussum: Coutinho, 2010
Research methods in public administration and public management: An introduction
S Van Thiel
Routledge, 2014
Government agencies: Practices and lessons from 30 countries
K Verhoest, S Van Thiel, G Bouckaert, P Lęgreid, S Van Thiel
Springer, 2016
Quangos—what's in a name? Defining quangos from a comparative perspective
C Greve, M Flinders, S Van Thiel
Governance 12 (2), 129-146, 1999
Political influence and bureaucratic autonomy
K Yesilkagit, S Van Thiel
Public Organization Review 8, 137-153, 2008
The efficiency and effectiveness of municipally owned corporations: a systematic review
B Voorn, ML Van Genugten, S Van Thiel
Local Government Studies 43 (5), 820-841, 2017
Quantitative methods in public administration: Their use and development through time
S Groeneveld, L Tummers, B Bronkhorst, T Ashikali, S Van Thiel
International Public Management Journal 18 (1), 61-86, 2015
Comparing agencies across countries
S Van Thiel
Government agencies: Practices and lessons from 30 countries, 18-26, 2012
Innovation-oriented culture in the public sector: Do managerial autonomy and result control lead to innovation?
J Wynen, K Verhoest, E Ongaro, S Van Thiel, ...
Public Management Review 16 (1), 45-66, 2014
Quangos: trends, causes and consequences
S Van Thiel
Routledge, 2017
Multiple principals, multiple problems: Implications for effective governance and a research agenda for joint service delivery
B Voorn, M Van Genugten, S Van Thiel
Public administration 97 (3), 671-685, 2019
Quangocratization: Trends, causes and consequences
S Thiel
Sl: sn, 2000
One HRM fits all? A meta-analysis of the effects of HRM practices in the public, semipublic, and private sector
R Blom, PM Kruyen, BIJM Van der Heijden, S Van Thiel
Review of Public Personnel Administration 40 (1), 3-35, 2020
Agencification and public sector performance: A systematic comparison in 20 countries
S Overman, S Van Thiel
Public Management Review 18 (4), 611-635, 2016
Trends in the public sector: why politicians prefer quasi-autonomous organizations
S Van Thiel
Journal of Theoretical Politics 16 (2), 175-201, 2004
Good neighbours or distant friends? Trust between Dutch ministries and their executive agencies
S Van Thiel, K Yesilkagit
Public Management Review 13 (6), 783-802, 2011
The future of public administration research: An editor's perspective
BD McDonald III, JL Hall, J O'Flynn, S van Thiel
Public Administration 100 (1), 59-71, 2022
Ethical leadership as process: A conceptual proposition
F Shakeel, PM Kruyen, S Van Thiel
Public Integrity 21 (6), 613-624, 2019
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