Daan Willem Poppema
Cited by
Cited by
Experiment-supported modelling of salt marsh establishment
DW Poppema, PWJM Willemsen, MB de Vries, Z Zhu, BW Borsje, ...
Ocean & coastal management 168, 238-250, 2019
Deposition patterns around buildings at the beach: Effects of building spacing and orientation
DW Poppema, KM Wijnberg, JPM Mulder, SJMH Hulscher
Geomorphology 401, 108114, 2022
The effect of building geometry on the size of aeolian deposition patterns: Scale model experiments at the beach
DW Poppema, KM Wijnberg, JPM Mulder, SE Vos, SJMH Hulscher
Coastal Engineering 168, 103866, 2021
Beach-dune modelling in support of Building with Nature for an integrated spatial design of urbanized sandy shores
K Wijnberg, D Poppema, J Mulder, J Van Bergen, G Campmans, ...
Research in Urbanism Series 7, 241-260, 2021
Cellular automaton modelling of the effects of buildings on aeolian bedform dynamics
DW Poppema, ACW Baas, SJMH Hulscher, KM Wijnberg
Aeolian Research 59, 100840, 2022
Scale experiments on aeolian deposition and erosion patterns created by buildings on the beach
DW Poppema, KM Wijnberg, JPM Mulder, SJ Hulscher
Coastal Sediments 2019: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference …, 2019
Morphological effects of buildings in a sandy beach environment
DW Poppema
Experiment-supported modelling of salt marsh establishment: Applying the Windows of opportunity concept to the Marconi pioneer salt marsh design
DW Poppema
University of Twente, 2017
Urban dunes: Towards BwN design principles for dune formation along urbanized shores.
J van Bergen, J Mulder, S Nijhuis, D Poppema, K Wijnberg, ...
Research in Urbanism Series TU Delft Bouwkunde, 2021
The effect of buildings on the morphological development of the beach-dune system: Literature report
DW Poppema
University of Twente, 2020
The effect of building geometry on aeolian deposition and erosion patterns: a field experiment
D Poppema, K Wijnberg, J Mulder, S Hulscher
Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 21-21, 2020
CFD modeling of airflow over urbanized beaches and the impact of built environment on aeolian sediment transport
P Pourteimouri, GHP Campmans, DW Poppema, KM Wijnberg, ...
NCK-DAYS 2019, 2019
Scale experiments on aeolian deposition patterns around buildings on the beach
DW Poppema, KM Wijnberg, J Mulder, SJMH Hulscher
NCK-DAYS 2019, 2019
Naar een grondiger begrip van vegetatievestiging
D Poppema, PWJM Willemsen, BW Borsje, M de Vries, Z Zhu, P Dankers, ...
H2O 51 (1), 34, 2018
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Articles 1–14