Diliara Valeeva
Cited by
Cited by
Which Peers Matter: How Social Ties Affect Peer-Group Effects
O Poldin, D Valeeva, M Yudkevich
Research in Higher Education, 1-21, 2016
How academic achievement spreads: The role of distinct social networks in academic performance diffusion
S Dokuka, D Valeeva, M Yudkevich
Plos one 15 (7), e0236737, 2020
The duality of firms and directors in board interlock networks: A relational event modeling approach
D Valeeva, EM Heemskerk, FW Takes
Social Networks 62, 68-79, 2020
Simulating social media using large language models to evaluate alternative news feed algorithms
P Törnberg, D Valeeva, J Uitermark, C Bail
arXiv preprint arXiv:2310.05984, 2023
Разрыв дружеских связей при академическом неуспехе: социальные сети и пересдачи у студентов
ДР Валеева, СВ Докука, ММ Юдкевич
Вопросы образования, 8-24, 2017
Связи дружбы и помощи при обучении в университете
ДР Валеева, ОВ Польдин, ММ Юдкевич
Вопросы образования, 64-78, 2013
Choice of specialization: do peers matter?
O Poldin, D Valeeva, M Yudkevich
Applied Economics 47 (44), 4728-4740, 2015
How does business power operate? A framework for its working mechanisms
M Babic, J Huijzer, J Garcia-Bernardo, D Valeeva
Business and Politics 24 (2), 133-150, 2022
Shareholder payouts across time and space: an internationally comparative and cross-sectoral analysis of corporate financialisation
D Valeeva, TJ Klinge, MB Aalbers
New Political Economy 28 (2), 173-189, 2023
How social ties affect peer group effects: Case of university students
O Poldin, D Valeeva, M Yudkevich
The final publication is available at Springer via DOI 10, 2015
Where is the backbone of the transnational corporate elite?
D Valeeva
Global Networks 22 (3), 547-563, 2022
Beaten paths towards the transnational corporate elite
D Valeeva, FW Takes, EM Heemskerk
International Sociology 37 (1), 97-123, 2022
Emerging Sino–European corporate elite networks
N De Graaff, D Valeeva
Development and Change 52 (5), 1147-1173, 2021
Co-evolution of social networks and student performance
S Dokuka, D Valeeva, M Yudkevich
Voprosy obrazovaniya/Educational Studies Moscow, 44-65, 2015
The diffusion of academic achievements: Social selection and influence in student networks
S Dokuka, D Valeeva, M Yudkevich
Higher School of Economics Research Paper No. WP BRP 65, 2015
Friendship and study assistance ties of university students
O Poldin, D Valeeva, M Yudkevich
Higher School of Economics Research Paper No. WP BRP 37, 2014
Homophily evolution in online networks: Who is a good friend and when?
S Dokuka, D Valeeva, M Yudkevich
Analysis of Images, Social Networks and Texts: 5th International Conference …, 2017
Formation and evolution mechanisms in online network of students: the Vkontakte case
S Dokuka, D Valeeva, M Yudkevich
Analysis of Images, Social Networks and Texts. 4th International Conference …, 2016
Statistical Models for Analysis of Social Network Dynamics in Educational Studies
S Dokuka, D Valeeva
Voprosy obrazovaniya/Educational Studies Moscow, 201-213, 2015
Global interlock ties of financial firms: insights from network analysis
D Valeeva
Finance and Space 1 (1), 13-16, 2024
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Articles 1–20