Gerard Renardel de Lavalette
Gerard Renardel de Lavalette
hoogleraar Informatica, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen
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NNIL, a study in intuitionistic propositional logic
A Visser, J van Benthem, D de Jongh, G Renardel de Lavalette
Logic Group Preprint Series 111, 2008
Formal definition of the design language COLD-K
LMG Feijs, HBM Jonkers, CPJ Koymans, GR Renardel de Lavalette
METEOR Report t7/PRLE/7, Philips Research Lab., Eindhoven, 1987
Computations in fragments of intuitionistic propositional logic
D De Jongh, L Hendriks, GR Renardel de Lavalette
Journal of Automated Reasoning 7 (4), 537-561, 1991
Reasoning about dynamic features in specification languages
R Groenboom, GR Renardel de Lavalette
Semantics of Specification Languages (SoSL), 340-355, 1994
The logic MPLω
CPJ Koymans, GR Renardel de Lavalette
Algebraic Methods: Theory, tools and applications, 247-282, 1989
A Formalisation of Evolving Algebras
R Groenboom, G Renardel de Lavalette
Proc. Accolade95, 17-28, 1995
Strictness analysis via abstract interpretation for recursively defined types
GR Renardel de Lavalette
Information and Computation 99 (2), 154-177, 1992
Modal change logic (MCL): Specifying the reasoning of knowledge-based systems
D Fensel, R Groenboom, GR Renardel de Lavalette
Data & knowledge engineering 26 (3), 243-269, 1998
Intuitionistic implication without disjunction
GR Renardel de Lavalette, A Hendriks, DHJ de Jongh
Journal of Logic and Computation 22 (3), 375-404, 2012
Changing modalities
GR Renardel de Lavalette
Journal of Logic and Computation 14 (2), 251-275, 2004
Interpolation in fragments of intuitionistic propositional logic
GR Renardel de Lavalette
The Journal of symbolic logic 54 (04), 1419-1430, 1989
A survey of the design language COLD
LMG Feijs, HBM Jonkers, JH Obbink, CPJ Koymans, GRR de Lavalette, ...
Esprit 86, 631-644, 1987
Put your money where your mouth is: DIAL, a dialogical model for opinion dynamics
P Dykstra, C Elsenbroich, W Jager, G Renardel de Lavalette, ...
Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation 16 (3), 4, 2013
An agent-based dialogical model with fuzzy attitudes
P Dykstra, W Jager, C Elsenbroich, R Verbrugge, GR De Lavalette
Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation 18 (3), 2015
Modularisation, parameterisation, interpolation
GRR de Lavalette
Department of Philosophy, University of Utrecht, 1988
Normalisation of database expressions involving calculations
S van Denneheuvel, GR Renardel de Lavalette
Rijksuniversiteit Utrecht. Faculteit der Wijsbegeerte, 1989
The interpolation theorem in fragments of logics
GR Renardel de Lavalette
Indagationes Mathematicae 84 (1), 71-86, 1981
A strongly complete proof system for propositional dynamic logic
G Renardel de Lavalette, B Kooi, R Verbrugge
AiML2002—Advances in Modal Logic (conference proceedings), 377-393, 0
Strong completeness and limited canonicity for PDL
G Renardel de Lavalette, B Kooi, R Verbrugge
Journal of logic, language and information 17 (1), 69-87, 2008
Strong completeness and limited canonicity for PDL and similar modal logics
G Renardel de Lavalette, B Kooi, R Verbrugge
Preprint, 2004
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