Getu Abebe Messalea
Getu Abebe Messalea
Forestry Researcher, ARARI, Gondar
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Cited by
Effects of land use and topographic position on soil organic carbon and total nitrogen stocks in different agro-ecosystems of the upper blue Nile Basin
G Abebe, A Tsunekawa, N Haregeweyn, T Takeshi, M Wondie, E Adgo, ...
Sustainability 12 (6), 2425, 2020
Effectiveness of polyacrylamide in reducing runoff and soil loss under consecutive rainfall storms
B Kebede, A Tsunekawa, N Haregeweyn, AI Mamedov, M Tsubo, ...
Sustainability 12 (4), 1597, 2020
Soil structure stability under different land uses in association with polyacrylamide effects
AI Mamedov, A Tsunekawa, N Haregeweyn, M Tsubo, H Fujimaki, ...
Sustainability 13 (3), 1407, 2021
Effect of Soil Microbiome from Church Forest in the Northwest Ethiopian Highlands on the Growth of Olea europaea and Albizia gummifera Seedlings under …
G Abebe, A Tsunekawa, N Haregeweyn, T Taniguchi, M Wondie, E Adgo, ...
Sustainability 12 (12), 4976, 2020
Effects of land use and topographic position on soil organic carbon and total nitrogen stocks in different agro-ecosystems of the upper blue nile basin. Sustainability 12: 2425
G Abebe, A Tsunekawa, N Haregeweyn, T Takeshi, M Wondie, E Adgo, ...
Selection of different trees/shrubs species for rehabilitation of degraded lands in wag-lasta area, northeastern Ethiopia
M Kasaye, G Abebe, A Abiyu, M Wondie, B Belay
Forest Research 9, 231, 2020
Adaptability of different Eucalyptus species in lasta-lalibela District northeastern highland of Ethiopia
M Kasaye, G Abebe, G Nigusie, M Eshte
Journal of Forest Research: Open Access 9 (3), 233, 2020
Factors Hindering Seedling Survival in Sekota District, North Eastern Amhara, Ethiopia
M Eshetie, M Kassaye, G Abebe, Y Belete, G Ngusie, S Asmare
Fores Res 9, 242, 2020
Allometric equations for estimation of above- and below-ground biomass of Acacia mearnsii in northwestern Ethiopia
A Shumie, A Alemu, G Abebe, G Gemtesa, Y Gebremariam, Y Alene, ...
Forest Science and Technology, 1-7, 2024
Spatiotemporal variations of soil respiration under different land uses and their control in Northwestern Ethiopia
G Fekadu, E Adgo, DT Meshesha, A Tsunekawa, N Haregeweyn, F Peng, ...
Modeling Earth Systems and Environment 10 (1), 1157-1169, 2024
The implications of biomass and carbon sequestration of exclosure for climate change mitigation in arid areas, Sekota district, northern Ethiopia
M Eshetie, T Gobezie, S Muhie, G Abebe
Discover Environment 2 (1), 85, 2024
Selection and evaluation of promising indigenous fodder trees and shrubs as supplemental diets for ruminant animals across different agroecological environments
S Mekuriaw, A Tsunekawa, T Ichinohe, F Tegegne, N Haregeweyn, ...
African Journal of Range & Forage Science 41 (1), 15-28, 2024
Effect of pre-sowing treatment techniques on seed germination and early growth performance of Adansonia digitata (L.) seedlings
A Shume, M Eshetie, Y Belete, G Niguse, B Wore, M Wondie, B Belay, ...
Above and Belowground Biomass of Acacia decurrens Across Stand Ages in Fagita Lekoma District, Northwestern Ethiopia
A Shumie, A Alemu, G Abebe, E Karltun, G Tiruneh, Y Gebremariam, ...
Amhara Agricultural Research Institute (ARARI), 35, 0
Amhara Agricultural Research Institute (ARARI)
G Abebe, M Wondie
Evaluation of Different Pre-Sowing Techniques and Watering Regimes on Seed Germination and Early Growth of Adansonia digitata (L.) Seedlings
A Shume, M Eshetie, Y Belete, G Niguse, B Wore, M Wondie, B Belay, ...
Amhara Agricultural Research Institute (ARARI), 67, 0
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Articles 1–16