Carlton L. Ho
Cited by
Cited by
Engineering properties of tire/soil mixtures as a lightweight fill material
E Masad, R Taha, C Ho, T Papagiannakis
Geotechnical testing journal 19 (3), 297-304, 1996
Benchmarking railway vibrations–Track, vehicle, ground and building effects
DP Connolly, G Kouroussis, O Laghrouche, CL Ho, MC Forde
Construction and Building Materials 92, 64-81, 2015
Rigorous landslide hazard zonation using Newmark's method and stochastic ground motion simulation
SB Miles, CL Ho
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 18 (4), 305-323, 1999
Modeling strength of sandy gravel
RJ Fragaszy, J Su, FH Siddiqi, CL Ho
Journal of Geotechnical Engineering 118 (6), 920-935, 1992
Applications and issues of GIS as tool for civil engineering modeling
SB Miles, CL Ho
Journal of computing in civil engineering 13 (3), 144-152, 1999
Simplified trial wedge method for soil nailed wall analysis
TC Sheahan, CL Ho
Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering 129 (2), 117-124, 2003
Numerical modeling of subglacial sediment deformation: Implications for the behavior of the Lake Michigan Lobe, Laurentide Ice Sheet
JW Jenson, DR MacAyeal, PU Clark, CL Ho, JC Vela
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 101 (B4), 8717-8728, 1996
Differential settlement prediction of ballasted tracks in bridge–embankment transition zones
Y Shan, S Zhou, B Wang, CL Ho
Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering 146 (9), 04020075, 2020
Plasticity effects in crack propagation
O Buck, CL Ho, HL Marcus
Engineering Fracture Mechanics 5 (1), 23-34, 1973
Projectile penetration in granular soils
T Taylor, RJ Fragaszy, CL Ho
Journal of Geotechnical Engineering 117 (4), 658-672, 1991
Use of seismic surface wave testing to assess track substructure condition
TR Sussmann Jr, HB Thompson II, TD Stark, ST Wilk, CL Ho
Construction and Building Materials 155, 1250-1255, 2017
Laboratory evaluation of railroad ballast behavior under heavy axle load and high traffic conditions
HF Kashani, JP Hyslip, CL Ho
Transportation Geotechnics 11, 69-81, 2017
Use of recycled tire rubber to modify track–substructure interaction
CL Ho, D Humphrey, JP Hyslip, W Moorhead
Transportation research record 2374 (1), 119-125, 2013
Fouling and water content influence on the ballast deformation properties
HF Kashani, CL Ho, JP Hyslip
Construction and Building Materials 190, 881-895, 2018
Micromechanical characterization of fluid-shale interactions via nanoindentation
Z Yang, L Wang, G Zhang, C Ho
SPE Asia Pacific Hydraulic Fracturing Conference, D031S008R003, 2016
Micromechanical characterization of fluid/shale interactions by means of nanoindentation
Z Yang, L Wang, Z Chen, D Xiang, D Hou, C Ho, G Zhang
SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering 21 (02), 405-417, 2018
Development of an Injection System for In Situ Catalyzed Peroxide Remediation of Contaminated Soil
CL Ho, MAA Shebl, RJ Watts
Hazardous waste and hazardous materials 12 (1), 15-25, 1995
High speed railway track dynamic behavior near critical speed
Y Gao, H Huang, CL Ho, JP Hyslip
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 101, 285-294, 2017
Effects of natural abrasion on railroad ballast strength and deformation properties
AK Rohrman, HF Kashani, CL Ho
Construction and Building Materials 247, 118315, 2020
Evaluating ground vibrations induced by high-speed trains
E Kece, V Reikalas, R DeBold, CL Ho, I Robertson, MC Forde
Transportation Geotechnics 20, 100236, 2019
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