diane cleij
diane cleij
Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics
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The importance of including knowledge of neuromuscular behaviour in haptic shared control
DA Abbink, D Cleij, M Mulder, MM van Paassen
2012 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC …, 2012
Comparison between filter-and optimization-based motion cueing algorithms for driving simulation
D Cleij, J Venrooij, P Pretto, M Katliar, HH Bülthoff, D Steffen, ...
Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour 61, 53-68, 2019
Continuous subjective rating of perceived motion incongruence during driving simulation
D Cleij, J Venrooij, P Pretto, DM Pool, M Mulder, HH Bülthoff
IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems 48 (1), 17-29, 2017
Perception-based motion cueing: validation in driving simulation
J Venrooij, P Pretto, M Katliar, SAE Nooij, A Nesti, M Lächele, ...
Proc Driv Simul Conf 2015, 153-161, 2015
Objective evaluation of prediction strategies for optimization-based motion cueing
M Grottoli, D Cleij, P Pretto, Y Lemmens, R Happee, HH Bülthoff
Simulation 95 (8), 707-724, 2019
Continuous rating of perceived visual-inertial motion incoherence during driving simulation
D Cleij, J Venrooij, P Pretto, DM Pool, M Mulder, HH Bülthoff
Proceedings of the DSC Driving Simulation Conference 2015 Europe, Tubingen …, 2015
Human machine interface design for continuous support of mode awareness during automated driving: An online simulation
AM Tinga, D Cleij, RJ Jansen, S van der Kint, N van Nes
Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 87, 102-119, 2022
Comparison between filter-and optimization-based motion cueing in the Daimler Driving Simulator
J Venrooij, D Cleij, M Katliar, P Pretto, HH Bülthoff, D Steffen, ...
Driving Simulation Conference, 2016
Serialization of vehicle control at intersections in older drivers
E Boer, D Cleij, J Dawson, M Rizzo
Proceedings of the... International Driving Symposium on Human Factors in …, 2011
Driver behavioural adaptations to simulated automated vehicles, potential implications for traffic microsimulation
R de Zwart, K Kamphuis, D Cleij
Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 92, 255-265, 2023
Development and evaluation of a human machine interface to support mode awareness in different automated driving modes
AM Tinga, IM van Zeumeren, M Christoph, E van Grondelle, D Cleij, ...
Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 92, 238-254, 2023
Time-varying perceived motion mismatch due to motion scaling in curve driving simulation
TD Van Leeuwen, D Cleij, DM Pool, M Mulder, HH Bülthoff
Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 61, 84-92, 2019
Triangulating the future: Developing scenarios of cyclist-automated vehicle interactions from literature, expert perspectives, and survey data
SH Berge, J de Winter, D Cleij, M Hagenzieker
Transportation research interdisciplinary perspectives 23, 100986, 2024
A taxonomy of potential impacts of connected and automated vehicles at different levels of implementation
R Elvik, M Quddus, A Papadoulis, D Cleij, W Weijermars, A Millonig, ...
Deliverable D3 1, 2019
Road safety related impacts within the Levitate project
W Weijermars, RD Zwart, C Mons, S Gebhard, D Cleij, H Sha, A Chaudhry, ...
Measuring, modelling and minimizing perceived motion incongruence for vehicle motion simulation
D Cleij
Logos Verlag Berlin GmbH, 2020
Sensitivity analysis of an MPC-based motion cueing algorithm for a curve driving scenario
JR van der Ploeg, D Cleij, DM Pool, M Mulder, HH Bülthoff
Driving Simulation Conference Europe 2020 VR, 2020
Optimizing an Optimization-Based MCA using Perceived Motion Incongruence Models
D Cleij, DM Pool, M Mulder, HH Bülthoff
Proceedings of the 19th Driving Simulation and Virtual Reality Conference …, 2020
Mediating between human driver and automation: state-of-the artand knowledge gaps: D1. 1 of the H2020 project MEDIATOR
M Christoph, D Cleij, H Ahlström, B Bakker, M Beggiato, A Borowsky, ...
Mediator Consortium, 2019
First steps towards a holistic impact assessment methodology for connected and automated vehicles
D Cleij, W Weijermars, R Elvik
Open Research Europe 1, 104, 2023
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