Alexandria K. Poole
Cited by
Cited by
Integrating ecology and environmental ethics: Earth stewardship in the southern end of the Americas
R Rozzi, JJ Armesto, JR Gutiérrez, F Massardo, GE Likens, CB Anderson, ...
BioScience 62 (3), 226-236, 2012
The new global urban realm: complex, connected, diffuse, and diverse social-ecological systems
MR McHale, STA Pickett, O Barbosa, DN Bunn, ML Cadenasso, ...
Sustainability 7 (5), 5211-5240, 2015
Field environmental philosophy and biocultural conservation at the Omora Ethnobotanical Park: Methodological approaches to broaden the ways of integrating the social component …
R Rozzi, CB Anderson, JC Pizarro, F Massardo, Y Medina, A Mansilla, ...
Revista Chilena de Historia Natural 83 (1), 27-68, 2010
Field environmental philosophy: a biocultural ethic approach to education and ecotourism for sustainability
A Tauro, J Ojeda, T Caviness, KP Moses, R Moreno-Terrazas, T Wright, ...
Sustainability 13 (8), 4526, 2021
Where is goal 18? The need for biocultural heritage in the sustainable development goals
AK Poole
Environmental Values 27 (1), 55-80, 2018
Integrating science and society through long-term socio-ecological research
CB Anderson, GE Likens, R Rozzi, JR Gutiérrez, JJ Armesto, A Poole
Environmental Ethics 30 (3), 295-312, 2008
Filosofía ambiental de campo y conservación biocultural en el Parque Etnobotánico Omora: Aproximaciones metodológicas para ampliar los modos de integrar el componente social …
R Rozzi, CB Anderson, JC Pizarro, F Massardo, Y Medina, AO Mansilla, ...
Revista chilena de historia natural 83 (1), 27-68, 2010
A call for ethics literacy in environmental education
AK Poole, EC Hargrove, P Day, W Forbes, AR Berkowitz, P Feinsinger, ...
Linking Ecology and Ethics for a Changing World: Values, Philosophy, and …, 2013
The UN sustainable development goals and the biocultural heritage lacuna: where is goal number 18?
AK Poole
From biocultural homogenization to biocultural conservation, 315-331, 2018
Field environmental philosophy: a biocultural ethic approach to education and ecotourism for sustainability. Sustainability 13: 4526
A Tauro, J Ojeda, T Caviness, K Moses, R Moreno, T Wright, D Zhu, ...
Biocultural and linguistic diversity
R Rozzi, A Poole
Encyclopedia of Environmental Ethics and Philosophy, 100-103, 2009
The new global urban realm: complex, connected, diffuse, and diverse social-ecological systems. Sustainability 7: 5211–5240
MR McHale, STA Pickett, O Barbosa, DN Bunn, ML Cadenasso, ...
The Other in the Sand County Almanac
AP J Baird Callicott, Jonathan Parker, Jordan Batson, Nathan Bell, Keith ...
Environmental Ethics 33 (2), 115-146, 2011
Formando una nueva generación de investigadores capaces de integrar los aspectos socioecológicos en conservación biológica
RA Estévez, DA Sotomayor, AK Poole, JC Pizarro
Revista chilena de historia natural 83 (1), 17-25, 2010
Using long-term socio-ecological study sites to integrate research with society
CB Anderson, R Rozzi, GE Likens, A Poole, JJ Armesto
Field environmental philosophy: a biocultural ethic approach to education and ecotourism for sustainability. Sustainability 13 (8): 4526
A Tauro, J Ojeda, T Caviness, K Mosses, R Moreno, T Wright, D Zhu, ...
Urban sustainability and the extinction of experience: acknowledging drivers of biocultural loss for socio-ecological well-being
AK Poole
University of North Texas, 2015
Creating a new cadre of academics capable of integrating socio-ecological approach to conservation biology.
RA Estevez, DA Sotomayor, AK Poole, JC Pizarro
Integrando la Ciencia y la Sociedad a través de la Investigación Socio-Ecológica de Largo Plazo
CB Anderson, GE Likens, R Rozzi, JR Gutiérrez, JJ Armesto, A Poole
Environmental Ethics 30 (3S), 81-99, 2008
The new global urban realm: complex, connected, diffuse, and diverse social-ecological systems. Sustainability 7 (5): 5211-5240
MR McHale, STA Pickett, O Barbosa, DN Bunn, ML Cadenasso, ...
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Articles 1–20