Robert A. Neimeyer
Robert A. Neimeyer
Professor of Psychology, University of Memphis
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Prolonged Grief Disorder: Psychometric Validation of Criteria Proposed for DSM-V and ICD-11
HG Prigerson, MJ Horowitz, SC Jacobs, CM Parkes, M Aslan, K Goodkin, ...
PLoS medicine 6 (8), e1000121, 2009
Meaning reconstruction & the experience of loss.
RA Neimeyer
American Psychological Association, 2001
Complicated grief and related bereavement issues for DSM‐5
MK Shear, N Simon, M Wall, S Zisook, R Neimeyer, N Duan, C Reynolds, ...
Depression and anxiety 28 (2), 103-117, 2011
Psychotherapy for the treatment of depression: a comprehensive review of controlled outcome research.
LA Robinson, JS Berman, RA Neimeyer
Psychological bulletin 108 (1), 30, 1990
Constructivism in psychotherapy
MJ Neimeyer, R. A. & Mahoney
American Psychological Association, 1995
Loss, grief, and the search for significance: Toward a model of meaning reconstruction in bereavement
J Gillies, RA Neimeyer
Journal of constructivist Psychology 19 (1), 31-65, 2006
Searching for the meaning of meaning: Grief therapy and the process of reconstruction
RA Neimeyer
Death studies 24 (6), 541-558, 2000
Lessons of loss: A guide to coping
RA Neimeyer
(No Title), 2000
Continuing bonds and reconstructing meaning: Mitigating complications in bereavement
RA Neimeyer, SA Baldwin, J Gillies
Death studies 30 (8), 715-738, 2006
Sense-making, grief, and the experience of violent loss: Toward a mediational model
JM Currier, JM Holland, RA Neimeyer
Death studies 30 (5), 403-428, 2006
Mourning and meaning
RA Neimeyer, HG Prigerson, B Davies
American Behavioral Scientist 46 (2), 235-251, 2002
The effectiveness of psychotherapeutic interventions for bereaved persons: a comprehensive quantitative review.
JM Currier, RA Neimeyer, JS Berman
Psychological bulletin 134 (5), 648, 2008
Death anxiety in older adults: A quantitative review
B V. Fortner, Robert A. Neimeyer
Death studies 23 (5), 387-411, 1999
Running versus weight lifting in the treatment of depression.
EJ Doyne, DJ Ossip-Klein, ED Bowman, KM Osborn, ...
Journal of consulting and clinical psychology 55 (5), 748, 1987
Psychological research on death attitudes: An overview and evaluation
RA Neimeyer, J Wittkowski, RP Moser
Death studies 28 (4), 309-340, 2004
Predictors of grief following the death of one's child: The contribution of finding meaning
NJ Keesee, JM Currier, RA Neimeyer
Journal of clinical psychology 64 (10), 1145-1163, 2008
Does grief counseling work?
JR Jordan, RA Neimeyer
Death studies 27 (9), 765-786, 2003
A social constructionist account of grief: Loss and the narration of meaning
RA Neimeyer, D Klass, MR Dennis
Death studies 38 (8), 485-498, 2014
Aprender de la pérdida: una guía para afrontar el duelo
RA Neimeyer, YG Ramírez
Paidós, 2002
An appraisal of constructivist psychotherapies.
RA Neimeyer
Journal of consulting and clinical psychology 61 (2), 221, 1993
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