Workplace incivility: A review of the literature and agenda for future research P Schilpzand, IE De Pater, A Erez Journal of Organizational behavior 37, S57-S88, 2016 | 1176 | 2016 |
Emotional stability, core self-evaluations, and job outcomes: A review of the evidence and an agenda for future research TA Judge, AEM Van Vianen, IE De Pater Human performance 17 (3), 325-346, 2004 | 809 | 2004 |
Psychological and physiological reactions to high workloads: Implications for well‐being R Ilies, N Dimotakis, IE De Pater Personnel psychology 63 (2), 407-436, 2010 | 460 | 2010 |
Fitting in: Surface-and deep-level cultural differences and expatriates’ adjustment AEM Van Vianen, IE De Pater, AL Kristof-Brown, EC Johnson Academy of Management Journal 47 (5), 697-709, 2004 | 365 | 2004 |
Expatriate social ties: Personality antecedents and consequences for adjustment EC Johnson, AL Kristof‐Brown, AEM Van Vianen, IE De Pater, MR Klein International Journal of Selection and Assessment 11 (4), 277-288, 2003 | 295 | 2003 |
Career adaptability, turnover and loyalty during organizational downsizing UC Klehe, J Zikic, AEM Van Vianen, IE De Pater Journal of Vocational Behavior 79 (1), 217-229, 2011 | 285 | 2011 |
EMPLOYEES'CHALLENGING JOB EXPERIENCES AND SUPERVISORS'EVALUATIONS OF PROMOTABILITY IE De Pater, AEM Van Vianen, MN Bechtoldt, UTEC KLEHE Personnel Psychology 62 (2), 297-325, 2009 | 278 | 2009 |
Differential affective reactions to negative and positive feedback, and the role of self‐esteem R Ilies, IE De Pater, T Judge Journal of Managerial Psychology 22 (6), 590-609, 2007 | 208 | 2007 |
Gender differences in job challenge: A matter of task allocation IE De Pater, AEM Van Vianen, MN Bechtoldt Gender, Work & Organization 17 (4), 433-453, 2010 | 195 | 2010 |
The primacy of perceiving: emotion recognition buffers negative effects of emotional labor. MN Bechtoldt, S Rohrmann, IE De Pater, B Beersma Journal of Applied Psychology 96 (5), 1087, 2011 | 190 | 2011 |
Adaptable careers: Maximizing less and exploring more AEM Van Vianen, IE De Pater, PTY Preenen The Career Development Quarterly 57 (4), 298-309, 2009 | 190 | 2009 |
Aging and training and development willingness: Employee and supervisor mindsets AEM Van Vianen, BAGW Dalhoeven, IE De Pater Journal of Organizational Behavior 32 (2), 226-247, 2011 | 174 | 2011 |
Work value fit and turnover intention: same‐source or different‐source fit AEM Van Vianen, IE De Pater, F Van Dijk Journal of managerial psychology 22 (2), 188-202, 2007 | 158 | 2007 |
Challenging experiences: Gender differences in task choice IE De Pater, AEM Van Vianen, AH Fischer, WP Van Ginkel Journal of Managerial Psychology 24 (1), 4-28, 2009 | 123 | 2009 |
Managing voluntary turnover through challenging assignments PTY Preenen, IE De Pater, AEM Van Vianen, L Keijzer Group & Organization Management 36 (3), 308-344, 2011 | 121 | 2011 |
Challenging tasks: The role of employees' and supervisors' goal orientations P Preenen, A van Vianen, I de Pater European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology 23 (1), 48-61, 2014 | 82 | 2014 |
Attributed causes for work–family conflict: Emotional and behavioral outcomes R Ilies, IED Pater, S Lim, C Binnewies Organizational Psychology Review 2 (4), 293-310, 2012 | 76 | 2012 |
Content and development of newcomer person-organization fit: An agenda for future research AEM Van Vianen, IE De Pater The Oxford handbook of organizational socialization, 139-157, 2012 | 65 | 2012 |
Ending on the scrap heap? The experience of job loss and job search among older workers UC Klehe, J Koen, IE De Pater | 62 | 2012 |
The strength and quality of climate perceptions AEM Van Vianen, IE De Pater, MN Bechtoldt, A Evers Journal of Managerial Psychology 26 (1), 77-92, 2011 | 61 | 2011 |