Martijn C. Schut
Martijn C. Schut
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Performance measurement and control in logistics service providing
E Krauth, H Moonen, V Popova, M Schut
International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems 3, 239-247, 2005
On model design for simulation of collective intelligence
MC Schut
Information Sciences 180 (1), 132-155, 2010
Reinforcement learning for online control of evolutionary algorithms
AE Eiben, M Horvath, W Kowalczyk, MC Schut
Engineering Self-Organising Systems: 4th International Workshop, ESOA 2006 …, 2007
Performance indicators in logistics service provision and warehouse management–a literature review and framework
E Krauth, H Moonen, V Popova, M Schut
Euroma international conference, 19-22, 2005
Risk factors for incident stroke and its subtypes in China: a prospective study
W Qi, J Ma, T Guan, D Zhao, A Abu‐Hanna, M Schut, B Chao, L Wang, ...
Journal of the American Heart Association 9 (21), e016352, 2020
The theory and practice of intention reconsideration
M Schut, M Wooldridge, S Parsons
Journal of Experimental & Theoretical Artificial Intelligence 16 (4), 261-293, 2004
Modeling centralized organization of organizational change
M Hoogendoorn, CM Jonker, MC Schut, J Treur
Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory 13, 147-184, 2007
Emerging artificial societies through learning
N Gilbert, M Besten, A Bontovics, BGW Craenen, F Divina, AE Eiben, ...
Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation 9 (2), 2006
Principles of intention reconsideration
M Schut, M Wooldridge
Proceedings of the fifth international conference on Autonomous agents, 340-347, 2001
Evolving behavioral specialization in robot teams to solve a collective construction task
GS Nitschke, MC Schut, AE Eiben
Swarm and Evolutionary Computation 2, 25-38, 2012
Is self-adaptation of selection pressure and population size possible?–A case study
AE Eiben, MC Schut, AR de Wilde
International Conference on Parallel Problem Solving from Nature, 900-909, 2006
New ways to calibrate evolutionary algorithms
G Eiben, MC Schut
Advances in metaheuristics for hard optimization, 153-177, 2008
Intention reconsideration in complex environments
M Schut, M Wooldridge
Proceedings of the fourth international conference on Autonomous agents, 209-216, 2000
Boosting genetic algorithms with self-adaptive selection
AE Eiben, MC Schut, AR De Wilde
2006 IEEE International Conference on Evolutionary Computation, 477-482, 2006
The control of reasoning in resource-bounded agents
M Schut, M Wooldridge
The Knowledge Engineering Review 16 (3), 215-240, 2001
Diversity measurement of recommender systems under different user choice models
Z Szlávik, W Kowalczyk, M Schut
Proceedings of the international AAAI conference on web and social media 5 …, 2011
Collective representational content for shared extended mind
T Bosse, CM Jonker, MC Schut, J Treur
Cognitive Systems Research 7 (2-3), 151-174, 2006
Adverse drug event detection using natural language processing: A scoping review of supervised learning methods
RM Murphy, JE Klopotowska, NF de Keizer, KJ Jager, JH Leopold, ...
Plos one 18 (1), e0279842, 2023
Emerging communication and cooperation in evolving agent societies
PC Buzing, AE Eiben, MC Schut
Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation 8 (1), 2005
On partially observable MDPs and BDI models
M Schut, M Wooldridge, S Parsons
Foundations and Applications of Multi-Agent Systems: UKMAS Workshops 1996 …, 2002
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Articles 1–20