Trygve Ottersen
Trygve Ottersen
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Making fair choices on the path to universal health coverage
T Ottersen, OF Norheim
Bulletin of the World Health Organization 92, 389, 2014
An ethical framework for global vaccine allocation
EJ Emanuel, G Persad, A Kern, A Buchanan, C Fabre, D Halliday, J Heath, ...
Science 369 (6509), 1309-1312, 2020
A new proposal for priority setting in Norway: open and fair
T Ottersen, R Førde, M Kakad, A Kjellevold, HO Melberg, A Moen, ...
Health policy 120 (3), 246-251, 2016
Lifetime QALY prioriterianism in priority setting
T Ottersen
Journal of Medical Ethics 39, 175–180, 2013
Making fair choices on the path to universal health coverage: Final report of the WHO consultative group on equity and universal health coverage
T Ottersen, OF Norheim, BM Chitah, R Cookson, N Daniels
World Health Organization, Geneva, CH, 2014
Shared responsibilities for health: a coherent global framework for health financing. Final Report of the Centre on Global Health Security Working Group on Health Financing
J Røttingen, T Ottersen, A Ablo, D Arhin-Tenkorang, C Benn, R Elovainio, ...
Chatham House, 2014
Towards a coherent global framework for health financing: recommendations and recent developments
T Ottersen, R Elovainio, DB Evans, D McCoy, DI Mcintyre, F Meheus, ...
Health Economics, Policy and Law 12 (2), 285-296, 2017
Addressing the fragmentation of global health: the Lancet Commission on synergies between universal health coverage, health security, and health promotion
G Ooms, T Ottersen, A Jahn, IA Agyepong
The Lancet 392 (10153), 1098-1099, 2018
Accessing public healthcare in Oslo, Norway: the experiences of Thai immigrant masseuses
N Tschirhart, E Diaz, T Ottersen
BMC health services research 19, 1-10, 2019
Synergies and tensions between universal health coverage and global health security: why we need a second ‘Maximizing Positive Synergies’ initiative
G Ooms, C Beiersmann, W Flores, J Hanefeld, O Müller, M Mulumba, ...
BMJ global health 2 (1), e000217, 2017
Lifetime QALY prioritarianism in priority setting: quantification of the inherent trade-off
O Trygve, O Mæstad, OF Norheim
Cost Effectiveness and Resource Allocation 12 (2), 2014
The G20 and development assistance for health: historical trends and crucial questions to inform a new era
JL Dieleman, K Cowling, IA Agyepong, S Alkenbrack, TJ Bollyky, ...
The Lancet 394 (10193), 173-183, 2019
Clinical decision making in cancer care: a review of current and future roles of patient age
EJ Tranvåg, OF Norheim, T Ottersen
BMC cancer 18, 1-7, 2018
Distribution matters: Equity considerations among health planners in Tanzania
T Ottersen, D Mbilinyi, O Mæstad, OF Norheim
Health Policy 85, 218–227, 2008
Avoiding health technology assessment: a global survey of reasons for not using health technology assessment in decision making
Y Teerawattananon, C Painter, S Dabak, T Ottersen, U Gopinathan, ...
Cost Effectiveness and Resource Allocation 19, 1-8, 2021
Ebola again shows the international health regulations are broken: what can be done differently to prepare for the next epidemic?
T Ottersen, SJ Hoffman, G Groux
American Journal of Law & Medicine 42 (2-3), 356-392, 2016
Changes in life expectancy and disease burden in Norway, 1990–2019: an analysis of the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019
B Clarsen, M Nylenna, ST Klitkou, SE Vollset, CM Baravelli, AK Bølling, ...
The Lancet Public Health 7 (7), e593-e605, 2022
Addressing antibiotic resistance requires robust international accountability mechanisms
SJ Hoffman, T Ottersen
Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics 43 (1), 53-64, 2015
Lancet Commission on synergies between universal health coverage, health security, and health promotion
I Agyepong, N Spicer, G Ooms, A Jahn, T Bärnighausen, C Beiersmann, ...
The Lancet 401 (10392), 1964-2012, 2023
Promoting intersectoral collaboration through the evaluations of public health interventions: insights from key informants in 6 European countries
S Kriegner, T Ottersen, JA Røttingen, U Gopinathan
International Journal of Health Policy and Management 10 (2), 67, 2020
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