Lisanne Braat
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Effects of debris flow composition on runout, depositional mechanisms, and deposit morphology in laboratory experiments
T De Haas, L Braat, JRFW Leuven, IR Lokhorst, MG Kleinhans
Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 120 (9), 1949-1972, 2015
Autogenic avulsion, channelization and backfilling dynamics of debris‐flow fans
T de Haas, W van den Berg, L Braat, MG Kleinhans
Sedimentology 63 (6), 1596-1619, 2016
Effects of mud supply on large-scale estuary morphology and development over centuries to millennia
L Braat, T van Kessel, JRFW Leuven, MG Kleinhans
Earth Surface Dynamics 5 (4), 617-652, 2017
Living landscapes: Muddy and vegetated floodplain effects on fluvial pattern in an incised river
MG Kleinhans, B de Vries, L Braat, M van Oorschot
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 43 (14), 2948-2963, 2018
Valley formation by groundwater seepage, pressurized groundwater outbursts and crater-lake overflow in flume experiments with implications for Mars
WA Marra, L Braat, AW Baar, MG Kleinhans
Icarus 232, 97-117, 2014
Topographic forcing of tidal sandbar patterns for irregular estuary planforms
J Leuven, T De Haas, L Braat, MG Kleinhans
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 43 (1), 172-186, 2018
Growing forced bars determine nonideal estuary planform
JRFW Leuven, L Braat, WM van Dijk, T de Haas, EP Van Onselen, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 123 (11), 2971-2992, 2018
Controls on mud distribution and architecture along the fluvial-to-marine transition
WI van de Lageweg, L Braat, DR Parsons, MG Kleinhans
Geology 46 (11), 971-974, 2018
Morphological effects of vegetation on the tidal–fluvial transition in Holocene estuaries
IR Lokhorst, L Braat, JRFW Leuven, AW Baar, M Van Oorschot, ...
Earth Surface Dynamics 6 (4), 883-901, 2018
What came first, mud or biostabilizers? Elucidating interacting effects in a coupled model of mud, saltmarsh, microphytobenthos, and estuarine morphology
MZM Brückner, L Braat, C Schwarz, MG Kleinhans
Water Resources Research 56 (9), e2019WR026945, 2020
Effects of estuarine mudflat formation on tidal prism and large‐scale morphology in experiments
L Braat, JRFW Leuven, IR Lokhorst, MG Kleinhans
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 44 (2), 417-432, 2019
Scour holes and ripples occur below the hydraulic smooth to rough transition of movable beds
MG Kleinhans, JRFW Leuven, L Braat, A Baar
Sedimentology 64 (5), 1381-1401, 2017
Dynamics of salt intrusion in the Mekong Delta: results of field observations and integrated coastal–inland modelling
S Eslami, P Hoekstra, HWJ Kernkamp, N Nguyen Trung, D Do Duc, ...
Earth Surface Dynamics 9 (4), 953-976, 2021
Turning the tide: Comparison of tidal flow by periodic sea level fluctuation and by periodic bed tilting in scaled landscape experiments of estuaries
MG Kleinhans, M Van Der Vegt, J Leuven, L Braat, H Markies, ...
Earth Surface Dynamics 5 (4), 731-756, 2017
Observed and modelled tidal bar sedimentology reveals preservation bias against mud in estuarine stratigraphy
L Braat, HJ Pierik, WM van Dijk, WI van de Lageweg, MZM Brückner, ...
The Depositional Record 9 (2), 380-402, 2023
Estuarine morphodynamics and development modified by floodplain formation
MG Kleinhans, L Roelofs, SAH Weisscher, IR Lokhorst, L Braat
Earth Surface Dynamics 10 (2), 367-381, 2022
Gravity‐Driven Differences in Fluvial Sediment Transport on Mars and Earth
L Braat, MZM Brückner, E Sefton‐Nash, MP Lamb
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets 129 (2), e2023JE007788, 2024
Pilot application of Delft3D Flexible Mesh: Assisting a field campaign at the Sand Engine
A Luijendijk, L Braat, N Waagmeester, F Scheel
Debris flows on Mars: An experimental analysis
L Braat, T de Haas, MG Kleinhans
Utrecht University, 2014
Control of river discharge on large‐scale estuary morphology
AW Baar, L Braat, DR Parsons
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 48 (3), 489-503, 2023
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