Ruud Custers
Ruud Custers
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Cited by
The unconscious will: How the pursuit of goals operates outside of conscious awareness
R Custers, H Aarts
Science 329 (5987), 47-50, 2010
Positive affect as implicit motivator: on the nonconscious operation of behavioral goals.
R Custers, H Aarts
Journal of personality and social psychology 89 (2), 129, 2005
Mechanisms of motivation–cognition interaction: challenges and opportunities
TS Braver, MK Krug, KS Chiew, W Kool, JA Westbrook, NJ Clement, ...
Cognitive, affective, & behavioral neuroscience 14, 443-472, 2014
The nonconscious cessation of goal pursuit: when goals and negative affect are coactivated.
H Aarts, R Custers, RW Holland
Journal of personality and social psychology 92 (2), 165, 2007
On the inference of personal authorship: Enhancing experienced agency by priming effect information
H Aarts, R Custers, DM Wegner
Consciousness and cognition 14 (3), 439-458, 2005
Preparing and motivating behavior outside of awareness
H Aarts, R Custers, H Marien
Science 319 (5870), 1639-1639, 2008
Mindful attention prevents mindless impulses
EK Papies, LW Barsalou, R Custers
Social Psychological and Personality Science 3 (3), 291-299, 2012
The unconscious eye opener: Pupil dilation reveals strategic recruitment of resources upon presentation of subliminal reward cues
E Bijleveld, R Custers, H Aarts
Psychological science 20 (11), 1313-1315, 2009
In search of the nonconscious sources of goal pursuit: Accessibility and positive affective valence of the goal state
R Custers, H Aarts
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 43 (2), 312-318, 2007
The goal‐dependent automaticity of drinking habits
P Sheeran, H Aarts, R Custers, A Rivis, TL Webb, R Cooke
British Journal of Social Psychology 44 (1), 47-63, 2005
Perception in the service of goal pursuit: Motivation to attain goals enhances the perceived size of goal-instrumental objects
M Veltkamp, H Aarts, R Custers
Social Cognition 26 (6), 720-736, 2008
Goal priming and the affective-motivational route to nonconscious goal pursuit
H Aarts, R Custers, M Veltkamp
Social cognition 26 (5), 555-577, 2008
Unconscious reward cues increase invested effort, but do not change speed–accuracy tradeoffs
E Bijleveld, R Custers, H Aarts
Cognition 115 (2), 330-335, 2010
Social stereotypes and automatic goal pursuit
H Aarts, TL Chartrand, R Custers, U Danner, G Dik, VE Jefferis, ...
Social Cognition 23 (6), 465-490, 2005
Unconscious goal activation and the hijacking of the executive function.
H Marien, R Custers, RR Hassin, H Aarts
Journal of personality and social psychology 103 (3), 399, 2012
Beyond priming effects: The role of positive affect and discrepancies in implicit processes of motivation and goal pursuit
R Custers, H Aarts
European review of social psychology 16 (1), 257-300, 2005
Priming and authorship ascription: when nonconscious goals turn into conscious experiences of self-agency.
H Aarts, R Custers, H Marien
Journal of personality and social psychology 96 (5), 967, 2009
Goal-discrepant situations prime goal-directed actions if goals are temporarily or chronically accessible
R Custers, H Aarts
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 33 (5), 623-633, 2007
Positive priming and intentional binding: Eye-blink rate predicts reward information effects on the sense of agency
H Aarts, E Bijleveld, R Custers, M Dogge, M Deelder, D Schutter, ...
Social neuroscience 7 (1), 105-112, 2012
When moving without volition: implied self-causation enhances binding strength between involuntary actions and effects
M Dogge, M Schaap, R Custers, DM Wegner, H Aarts
Consciousness and Cognition 21 (1), 501-506, 2012
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Articles 1–20