Gary Jones
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Cited by
Chunking mechanisms in human learning
F Gobet, PCR Lane, S Croker, PCH Cheng, G Jones, I Oliver, JM Pine
Trends in cognitive sciences 5 (6), 236-243, 2001
An objective examination of consumer perception of nutrition information based on healthiness ratings and eye movements
G Jones, M Richardson
Public health nutrition 10 (3), 238-244, 2007
Investigating the effect of mental set on insight problem solving
M Öllinger, G Jones, G Knoblich
Experimental psychology 55 (4), 269-282, 2008
Questioning short-term memory and its measurement: Why digit span measures long-term associative learning
G Jones, B Macken
Cognition 144, 1-13, 2015
Testing two cognitive theories of insight.
G Jones
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 29 (5), 1017, 2003
The hydrate process
WG Knox, M Hess, GE Jones, HB Smith
Chem. Eng. Prog 57 (2), 66-71, 1961
Supporting cognitive models as users
FE Ritter, GD Baxter, G Jones, RM Young
ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction (TOCHI) 7 (2), 141-173, 2000
The dynamics of search, impasse, and representational change provide a coherent explanation of difficulty in the nine-dot problem
M Öllinger, G Jones, G Knoblich
Psychological research 78, 266-275, 2014
Diversity not quantity in caregiver speech: Using computational modeling to isolate the effects of the quantity and the diversity of the input on vocabulary growth
G Jones, CF Rowland
Cognitive psychology 98, 1-21, 2017
Linking working memory and long‐term memory: a computational model of the learning of new words
G Jones, F Gobet, JM Pine
Developmental Science 10 (6), 853-873, 2007
Using a cognitive architecture to examine what develops
G Jones, FE Ritter, DJ Wood
Psychological Science 11 (2), 93-100, 2000
Cognitive mechanisms of insight: the role of heuristics and representational change in solving the eight-coin problem.
M Öllinger, G Jones, AH Faber, G Knoblich
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 39 (3), 931, 2013
Why chunking should be considered as an explanation for developmental change before short-term memory capacity and processing speed
G Jones
Frontiers in psychology 3, 167, 2012
CERS*. Millimetre-Wave Beacon Package and Related Payload Doppler Correction Strategies
E Vilar, H Smith, GD Jones, HAM Al-Ahmad
Electronics Division Colloquium on CERS—Communications Engineering Research …, 1984
Lexicality and frequency in specific language impairment: Accuracy and error data from two nonword repetition tests
G Jones, M Tamburelli, SE Watson, F Gobet, JM Pine
American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, 2010
Identifying the task variables that predict object assembly difficulty
M Richardson, G Jones, M Torrance, T Baguley
Human factors 48 (3), 511-525, 2006
Identifying the task variables that influence perceived object assembly complexity
M Richardson, G Jones, M Torrance
Ergonomics 47 (9), 945-964, 2004
A Process of Children's Early Verb Use
G Jones, F Gobert, JM Pine
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society 22 (22), 2000
Acceleration in the bilingual acquisition of phonological structure: Evidence from Polish–English bilingual children
M Tamburelli, E Sanoudaki, G Jones, M Sowinska
Bilingualism: Language and Cognition 18 (4), 713-725, 2015
Heuristics and representational change in two-move matchstick tasks
M Öllinger, G Jones, G Knoblich
Advances in Cognitive Psychology 2 (4), 239-253, 2006
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Articles 1–20