Martijn Schoute
Martijn Schoute
Assistent Professor, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
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The relationship between product diversity, usage of advanced manufacturing technologies and activity-based costing adoption
M Schoute
The British Accounting Review 43 (2), 120-134, 2011
The relationship between cost system complexity, purposes of use, and cost system effectiveness
M Schoute
The British Accounting Review 41 (4), 208-226, 2009
A balancing act? The implications of mixed strategies for performance measurement system design
HC Dekker, T Groot, M Schoute
Journal of Management Accounting Research 25 (1), 71-98, 2013
Municipalities’ Choices of Service Delivery Modes: The Influence of Service, Political, Governance, and Financial Characteristics
M Schoute, T Budding, R Gradus
International public management journal 21 (4), 502-532, 2018
Determining performance targets
HC Dekker, T Groot, M Schoute
Behavioral Research in Accounting 24 (2), 21-46, 2012
Determinants of the Use of Value‐based Performance Measures for Managerial Performance Evaluation
HC Dekker, T Groot, M Schoute, E Wiersma
Journal of Business Finance & Accounting 39 (9‐10), 1214-1239, 2012
Shifting modes of service delivery in Dutch local government
R Gradus, M Schoute, T Budding
Journal of Economic Policy Reform, 2019
The relationship between purposes of budget use and budgetary slack
M Schoute, E Wiersma
Advances in Management Accounting 19, 75-107, 2011
Is there still collusion in the Dutch waste collection market?
R Gradus, E Dijkgraaf, M Schoute
Local Government Studies 42 (5), 689-697, 2016
Integrating non-financial performance indicators in budget documents: the continuing search of Dutch municipalities
T Budding, B Faber, M Schoute
Journal of Public Budgeting, Accounting & Financial Management, 2021
Stakeholders’ Information Needs, Cost System Design, and Cost System Effectiveness in Dutch Local Government
M Schoute, T Budding
Financial Accountability & Management 33 (1), 77-101, 2017
Drivers of service delivery modes in Dutch local government: an analysis over time and across domains
M Schoute, R Gradus, T Budding
International Review of Administrative Sciences, 2020
The effects of market concentration on costs of local public services: empirical evidence from Dutch waste collection
R Gradus, M Schoute, E Dijkgraaf
Local Government Studies 44 (1), 86-104, 2018
Teaching Python to management accounting students: an illustration using support department cost-allocation methods
M Schoute
The Accounting Educators’ Journal 29 (1), 137-161, 2019
The information content of the Solvency II ratio relative to earnings
S Mukhtarov, M Schoute, J Wielhouwer
Journal of Risk and Insurance, 2021
Determinants of the adoption and use of activity-based costing
M Schoute
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 2004
Activity-Based Costing
T Groot, M Schoute
Handwörterbuch Unternehmensrechnung und Controlling (4. Auflage), 19-28, 2002
The activities of management accountants: results from a survey study
T Budding, M Schoute, A Dijkman, E With
Management Accounting Quarterly 20 (2), 29-37, 2019
De ABC-paradox nader beschouwd
M Schoute
Maandblad voor Accountancy en Bedrijfseconomie 77 (juli/augustus), 332-339, 2003
The impact of budgetary slack on budget use
M Schoute, E Wiersma
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 2007
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Articles 1–20