Professor für Neurophysiologie, Ruhr-Universität Bochum
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Neural structures associated with recognition of facial expressions of basic emotions
R Sprengelmeyer, M Rausch, UT Eysel, H Przuntek
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences …, 1998
Massive restructuring of neuronal circuits during functional reorganization of adult visual cortex
T Keck, TD Mrsic-Flogel, MV Afonso, UT Eysel, T Bonhoeffer, M Hübener
Nature neuroscience 11 (10), 1162, 2008
Synaptic scaling and homeostatic plasticity in the mouse visual cortex in vivo
T Keck, GB Keller, RI Jacobsen, UT Eysel, T Bonhoeffer, M Hübener
Neuron 80 (2), 327-334, 2013
Orientation-specific relationship between populations of excitatory and inhibitory lateral connections in the visual cortex of the cat.
ZF Kisvárday, E Toth, M Rausch, UT Eysel
Cerebral Cortex (New York, NY: 1991) 7 (7), 605-618, 1997
Loss of sensory input causes rapid structural changes of inhibitory neurons in adult mouse visual cortex
T Keck, V Scheuss, RI Jacobsen, CJ Wierenga, UT Eysel, T Bonhoeffer, ...
Neuron 71 (5), 869-882, 2011
Effect of transcranial magnetic stimulation on single‐unit activity in the cat primary visual cortex
V Moliadze, Y Zhao, U Eysel, K Funke
The Journal of physiology 553 (2), 665-679, 2003
Theta-burst transcranial magnetic stimulation alters cortical inhibition
A Benali, J Trippe, E Weiler, A Mix, E Petrasch-Parwez, W Girzalsky, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 31 (4), 1193-1203, 2011
High-and low-frequency repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation differentially activates c-Fos and zif268 protein expression in the rat brain
S Aydin-Abidin, J Trippe, K Funke, UT Eysel, A Benali
Experimental brain research 188, 249-261, 2008
State-dependent receptive-field restructuring in the visual cortex
F Wörgötter, K Suder, Y Zhao, N Kerscher, UT Eysel, K Funke
Nature 396 (6707), 165-168, 1998
Network of GABAergic large basket cells in cat visual cortex (area 18): implication for lateral disinhibition
ZF Kisvárday, C Beaulieu, UT Eysel
Journal of comparative neurology 327 (3), 398-415, 1993
Cellular organization of reciprocal patchy networks in layer III of cat visual cortex (area 17)
ZF Kisvarday, UT Eysel
Neuroscience 46 (2), 275-286, 1992
Membrane properties and spike generation in rat visual cortical cells during reversible cooling
M Volgushev, TR Vidyasagar, M Chistiakova, T Yousef, UT Eysel
The Journal of physiology 522 (1), 59-76, 2000
Reorganization in the visual cortex after retinal and cortical damage
UT Eysel, G Schweigart, T Mittmann, D Eyding, Y Qu, F Vandesande, ...
Restorative neurology and neuroscience 15 (2-3), 153-164, 1999
Evidence for a contribution of lateral inhibition to orientation tuning and direction selectivity in cat visual cortex: reversible inactivation of functionally characterized …
JM Crook, ZF Kisvárday, UT Eysel
European Journal of Neuroscience 10 (6), 2056-2075, 1998
Relationship between lateral inhibitory connections and the topography of the orientation map in cat visual cortex
ZF Kisvárday, DS Kim, UT Eysel, T Bonhoeffer
European Journal of Neuroscience 6 (10), 1619-1632, 1994
Strabismic suppression is mediated by inhibitory interactions in the primary visual cortex
F Sengpiel, KU Jirmann, V Vorobyov, UT Eysel
Cerebral cortex 16 (12), 1750-1758, 2006
Formalizing ontology alignment and its operations with category theory
A Zimmermann, M Krotzsch, J Euzenat, P Hitzler
Increased receptive field size in the surround of chronic lesions in the adult cat visual cortex
UT Eysel, G Schweigart
Cerebral Cortex 9 (2), 101-109, 1999
Cortical activation via an implanted wireless retinal prosthesis
P Walter, ZF Kisvárday, M Görtz, N Alteheld, G Rossler, T Stieglitz, ...
Investigative ophthalmology & visual science 46 (5), 1780-1785, 2005
Model‐based analysis of excitatory lateral connections in the visual cortex
P Buzás, K Kovács, AS Ferecskó, JML Budd, UT Eysel, ZF Kisvárday
Journal of Comparative Neurology 499 (6), 861-881, 2006
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Articles 1–20