Bernadette M. Jansma
Bernadette M. Jansma
Professor of Cognitive Neuroscience of Language, Maastricht University, NL
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Electrophysiological estimates of the time course of semantic and phonological encoding during implicit picture naming
BM Schmitt, TF Münte, M Kutas
Psychophysiology 37 (4), 473-484, 2000
The adult galactosemic phenotype
SE Waisbren, NL Potter, CM Gordon, RC Green, P Greenstein, ...
Journal of Inherited Metabolic Disease: Official Journal of the Society for …, 2012
From coarse to fine? Spatial and temporal dynamics of cortical face processing
V Goffaux, J Peters, J Haubrechts, C Schiltz, B Jansma, R Goebel
Cerebral Cortex 21 (2), 467-476, 2011
Increased attention but more efficient disengagement: neuroscientific evidence for defensive processing of threatening health information.
LTE Kessels, RAC Ruiter, BM Jansma
Health Psychology 29 (4), 346, 2010
The spatiotemporal pattern of auditory cortical responses during verbal hallucinations
VG Van de Ven, E Formisano, CH Röder, D Prvulovic, RA Bittner, ...
Neuroimage 27 (3), 644-655, 2005
An electrophysiological analysis of the time course of conceptual and syntactic encoding during tacit picture naming
BM Schmitt, K Schiltz, W Zaake, M Kutas, TF Münte
Journal of cognitive neuroscience 13 (4), 510-522, 2001
Event-related potential responses to love-related facial stimuli
SJE Langeslag, BM Jansma, IHA Franken, JW Van Strien
Biological psychology 76 (1-2), 109-115, 2007
Electrophysiological estimates of the time course of semantic and phonological encoding during listening and naming
A Rodriguez-Fornells, BM Schmitt, M Kutas, TF Münte
Neuropsychologia 40 (7), 778-787, 2002
Brain-based translation: fMRI decoding of spoken words in bilinguals reveals language-independent semantic representations in anterior temporal lobe
J Correia, E Formisano, G Valente, L Hausfeld, B Jansma, M Bonte
Journal of Neuroscience 34 (1), 332-338, 2014
Assessing microstructural substrates of white matter abnormalities: a comparative study using DTI and NODDI
I Timmers, A Roebroeck, M Bastiani, B Jansma, E Rubio-Gozalbo, ...
PloS one 11 (12), e0167884, 2016
Electrophysiological estimates of biological and syntactic gender violation during pronoun processing
BM Schmitt, M Lamers, TF Münte
Cognitive Brain Research 14 (3), 333-346, 2002
Decoding articulatory features from fMRI responses in dorsal speech regions
JM Correia, BMB Jansma, M Bonte
Journal of Neuroscience 35 (45), 15015-15025, 2015
What the brain does before the tongue slips
J Möller, BM Jansma, A Rodriguez-Fornells, TF Münte
Cerebral Cortex 17 (5), 1173-1178, 2007
Increased attention for computer-tailored health communications: an event-related potential study.
RAC Ruiter, LTE Kessels, BM Jansma, J Brug
Health Psychology 25 (3), 300, 2006
White matter microstructure pathology in classic galactosemia revealed by neurite orientation dispersion and density imaging
I Timmers, H Zhang, M Bastiani, BM Jansma, A Roebroeck, ...
Journal of inherited metabolic disease 38, 295-304, 2015
Neuroscientific evidence for defensive avoidance of fear appeals
LTE Kessels, RAC Ruiter, L Wouters, BM Jansma
International Journal of Psychology 49 (2), 80-88, 2014
Monitoring metrical stress in polysyllabic words
NO Schiller, BM Jansma, J Peters, WJM Levelt
Language and Cognitive Processes 21 (1-3), 112-140, 2006
Electrophysiological estimates of semantic and syntactic information access during tacit picture naming and listening to words
BM Schmitt, A Rodriguez-Fornells, M Kutas, TF Münte
Neuroscience Research 41 (3), 293-298, 2001
Language in microvolts
M Kutas, BM Schmitt
Mind, brain, and language, 171-210, 2003
The influence of semantic and phonological factors on syntactic decisions: An event‐related brain potential study
NO Schiller, TF Münte, I Horemans, BM Jansma
Psychophysiology 40 (6), 869-877, 2003
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